Hello from NE Montana

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Nov 21, 2012
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I've got my first two batches of wine (4 gallons of home-picked apple cider and 1 gallon of home-grown carrot) in the secondary fermenter. I'm excited about learning more about making fruit wines. I'm looking forward to picking everyone's brains.
Patrick, welcome to WineMaking Talk. Carrot wine? Will this be for drinking or cooking? Have you tasted it before? I've seen many different wines at competitions but never this one.
Patrick, welcome to WineMaking Talk. Carrot wine? Will this be for drinking or cooking? Have you tasted it before? I've seen many different wines at competitions but never this one.

I had way too many carrots, so it was either make baby food or wine. I've never tried any, but I've heard good things about carrot wine. You supposedly have to let it age for a long time (2 years at least), so I'll let you know in 2014...

I tried my first batch of apple wine tonight (racked it from a bigger container to a slightly smaller one, so I had a little bit of leftover). It was not tasty, but I don't think it's supposed to be a month into the process. It definitely tasted like apple wine, it just needs to mellow out... a lot.
Patrick, welcome to winemaking talk. The folks here will give you great advice.

Are you near devils Lake. I have never been there but I view a live cam there occassionaly as I stumbled upon it. I vie it to see the snow!
Welcome to the forum. It is addicting.

I'm over here in Fargo. Let me know if you're ever in my neck of the prairie and we can taste some wines.

If you ever get over to Miles City you should check out Tongue River Winery. Bob and Marilyn do a great job and have some great Montana wines.


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