Hello from Houston, Texas

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Aug 2, 2011
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As we say down in Texas ... Howdy, Folks!
I've been reading up on how to grow grape vines and how to make wine. I am very glad I stumbled upon this forum and the wine making website.
I have actually already planted my first vines (2 yr old Merlot)a few months ago ... and my 8 mo. old Lab ate them. Yes, my dog ate my homework. So, I am starting over in a few weeks with new vines and better fencing to keep the dog out.
I haven't started wine making yet, but it looks very rewarding ... if its done correctly. I have been reading, reading and reading on how to do it to the point I am tired of reading about it. I'm ready to jump into it to see what happens.
Anyway ... I have few questions already that I will ask in the correct forum topic area, hopefully.
See ya!
Welcome to the forum, good luck with your new dog resistant vines!
Welcome! Sorry about your dog's dirty deed.

A good way to start making wine is with a nice kit or ten.
The mist kits (summer wines), like RJ Spagnol's orchard breezin kits are a good place to start. They are pretty much ready to drink a month after they are clear.

While you are drinking one of them, you can start a nice wine, which has to age a year or two to be good.

George, the owner of this forum will take good care of you. Ask and he will help you determine what you want to make first.
Welcome from another Texan. What a fun hobby this is. There is some great experience on this forum so ask away.
Welcome aboard and glad you found us!

Is this your first Lab? They will pretty much chew/eat everything in sight for the first year or so!

Remote controls, eyeglasses, shoes, and as you found out, newly planted things in the ground!
Jump in, the water's fine.
I'm in Beaumont and will be very interested in how you get grapes other than Muscadine to grow in SE Texas. My daughter is out in Cypress (Fairfield) and my son is just outside the beltway off Memorial.
It's a shame Texas is so gosh darn big. If we were all from Rhode Island we could get together.
Welcome from another Texan. Glad you're here. I'm upa little east of Waco. Girlfriend is in Humble. Good luck on your winemaking, John.