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Senior Member
Oct 17, 2005
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to wine-making a lot this year, even though it is harvest. Harvest has been delayed this year in our region due to weather, and a bit of a side obsession for me ;)



I've been racing for years, but this year, I finally started to find my cajones again ;)

Since my season ended this weekend, now I'm ready to make wine again!
Cool pics Dean.
I like seeing some of the hobbies our friends on the forum have other than wine making. There is alot of talent here.
Dean, One thing to think about is winemaking is alot less dangerous, but then again you don't get that rush!!!

I helped a friend and his son when they were racing Hobby stocksI had lots of fun and really enjoted trying to get the most we could out of his car.

Way cool!

Love the Pic2. You can see your eyes focused like a mad man!
I took 3rd in all 3 of my races this past weekend. A podium is a podium. I was happy with those results. Most races were a field of about 12 or more racers too.

Hope you also wear that helmet, or one similar, when you ride off-track.
Helmets saved two of my friends' lives this past weekend.
Yep, I always wear a helmet, even when riding around at 5mph in the pits at the track. I don't even think of sitting on any bike without one.

@runningwolf, I used to race snowmobiles when I was younger, but now that I live on the coast, there is hardly any snow here. I get as much snow as Seattle does, so sleds don't make sense for me anymore. It was fun while I had them though!
Dean said:
Yep, I always wear a helmet, even when riding around at 5mph in the pits at the track. I don't even think of sitting on any bike without one.

I had to make a six-hour trip this past weekend to pickup my friends and their bike after they crashed their bike avoiding six deer. They and the bike got banged up pretty much. You should see what condition both their helmets are in!!! I doubt they would have survived, had they not been wearing their helmets.