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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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The Harvest Moon shone brightly last night...

Much corn harvest going on in the neighborhood...we worked late last evening...bringing trucks home...moving the auger to another bin...and...I guess included in my 'job description' is being underneath the combine in the dark, holding a part while someone is welding overof my head.

I don't mind unloading the trucks...


Finally we were getting ready for bed and My Honey brings in a dog and says..."we have work to do"...He had been barking and had a muzzle full of Porcupine quills...so after pulling 32 quills, getting scratched and nipped at we turned him back out...


Ahhh...finally into bed...more barking...right outside the bedroom window...could hear a gurgling growl between his barks...so figured I'd bring him in and let the little Porker come down from the tree and leave....drifting off to sleep I hear the growing and the sounds of claws on the tree bark...I had looked with a flashlight but didn't see anything...Well...I got up figuring I could see the little critter in the bright moonlight...much to my surprise was an imposing large black thing...Got the flashlight and sure enough...a BIG black bear was standing at the bottom of the tree...I woke My Honey and we watched him for a long time...He'd russle in the leaves and romp around...went over and explored the dog houses and kennels came back to his tree...romped through the leaves and finally left the safety of the grove and tore butt across the lawn.I took photos but nothing showed up...

This morning there was some skid marks in the path...


"Good Dog"...protecting his realm.

And this little girl stayed out of trouble....


Between my duties I did survey the recent frost and smelled the last rose to bloom and the Sweet allysum...


Life is good Down on the Farm.
I always love your reports...

Very cool about the bear...have you had them visit before?

Where was the pic of puppy full of quills? Yeah..I know..hard to think of that stuff when you're in the middle of the battle....

Thank you for sharing this great life!
Actually a bear was in the same spot this summer...except he was cleaning the grill on the Campfire Café when the dog showed up....it was still daylight and I ran out to take photos but he had high tailed it out of here.

Last summer on two occasions a bear went in the shop and molested expensive bags of seed corn and wrecked my bird feeder...they have the whole world to eat...but always come around.

Many critters are being shagged out of the cornfields...seems everyone is harvesting at the same time...so pretty noisy during the day and critters are leaving the sanctuary of the tall corn fields.

Deer rifle season next Saturday...so everyone is making haste.Edited by: Northern Winos
Great time of year during harvest, just a little busy. I was thinking the other day you guys must be into corn harvest since I hadn't seen you much here. I once had a beareat most of a bag full of minerals intended to mix into ground corn for feed. I was telling a vet and he said the bear would probably die from it-too bad.

Rifle season began here last weekend. I didn't hunt during muzzleloading. I've been seeing does and fawns every afternoon or evening-even the three legged doe. Thursday was the youngest boy's birthday so I stayed in and we ate an early dinner for him. Since company wasn't arriving until late I went out for a few minutes . Naturally as I got to the treestand and was unloading the gun, there goes the first buck I have seen during season. Went back out last evening and passed on a young 4 point buck. Today it's pouring out, and then tomorrow is another kid's birthday. It's a good thing our season is about two months long here!

Be sure to show us your deer this year again. I wonder if he will have a smile on his face also like the one last year?!
Harvest is over....
Corn harvest went really smooth....finished yesterday PM...Bins were full so Jim took the 'Big Ride' [grain truck] to town with a couple big loads....The old truck was really loaded...he had her floored from the time he left the house, topped the hill at about 15MPH...managed to get home without a ticket.

So...harvest if over, but not the work....many things to get done before Deer Season [Sat AM] and much more to get done before the ground freezes.

Yesterday was awesome, 65*F...just lovely...I mowed some of the lawn and put the mower away...and did a few more fall chores....Nice to get in a few more sun tanning rays........Why is it that you think you are almost done your yard chores...but...with a nice day you can find all sorts of things to do outdoors????....The nice days will be few and far between now....but your idea of a 'nice day' will change as it progressively gets colder...Life is Good!!!!