group dandelion

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Sounds like the way we eat carp fish here in West Virginia, U cook carp on a board. Then u through the carp out, and eat the board.
I hav`nt made it. But I have drank it. But made the old fashion way. Back in the OLD days. Put flowers and some fruit with pectin. 2# sugar. Just enough yeast to geter working GOOD. Let it set til it works off. Drink it at one setting.
THEN eat the board u cooked the carp on.LOL Badhabit
I'm with NW. I could make "ice wine" here. It hasn't gotten to 32 in a few weeks now. It's gonna be a while before the dandelions are out here. The last one I saw was in December when it was in the 50's and 60's most of the month.
This sounds great everyone!! I've only seen a couple of dandelions here in Houston......I just hate those True Green Chem Lawn trucks when I see them. Maybe some of the crazy stores here like Fiesta could have them..they have everything you could imagine but might not be so fresh. Now if we had a many dandes as we have bluebonnets we would have a huge harvest this spring.
I'll ask my friend who live on a ranch if she has any. Ramona
Ramona, you are officially assigned the task of developing a Bluebonnet wine recipe.
PeterZ. Wouldn't I get arrested? People in these parts tell me it is illegal to pic the state flower?
I was thinking about this deal today, and kinda realised something. I
think the dandelion thing bites us at a subliminal level, sorta tugs at
our sub-concious. Making something noble and intoxicating out of that
which is an eyesore and a nuisance to most, that seems almost mystical
to me. Like it should be the task of gnomes or leprauchans or
something, ya know what I mean? Okay, okay, it was a long day and I'm a
little buzzed. So sue me.
I tried my dandelion wine last week and it is really bad, it seems to be the Zest, I followed Jack Kellers recipes, three different ones, I'm going to make more this year, but there won't be any Zest in it this time. I think I'm going to dump the 7 gallons of wine I have, I don't think time can help this.
Sorry to hear that AAA, what do you mean by zest so we dont make the same mistake?
Zest is the colored part of the lemon or orange, the Pith is the white part, Jack Keller said not to get any pith cause it will ruin your wine, I thought I was doing a good job, but I guess not, I'll make it this year with a no zest recipe.
I wonder if you can buy "Lemon Zest", Dried Lemon Zest, or something like that for this type of stuff. Assuning Frank got 25% pith with his zest, he would have had to peel or scrape 2 more lemons for a total of 10. I guess thats not bad since you still need the juice also I beleive. I would still buy the Zest if I could get it.
You using the wrong tool man
That one is for peeling potatoes!

You need a grater/zester like this:

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Hey, AAA, is what was in the picture what you used for a five gallon
batch, or what? If so, it looks like you used a lot, and it also looks
like you cut a little too deep. Since most of the recipes call for
zest, I'm definately going to use some, but I'll be very careful. I
love this input. Makes me feel like I'm going in a positive direction.
Anxious to hear from the Texas faction, I figure theirs should be
hitting the secondary about now.
Dandelions...ahahaahahahaahahahahah... I won't be seeing any of those for at least a few months. I still have a foot of snow on the lawn and that is after 3 days of melt. Last year we had snow in June and this year has been worse! I'll be joining in on this in July or so and bottling around this time next year.

Oh my goodness...I fear now that I have ruined several batches of my wines that I have been adding Zest to. I thought all this time that this is what they were talking about


Edited by: Waldo