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Oct 4, 2012
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Im a professional winemaker. Currently have about 30000 gallons in fermentation. I have made around 40 million gallons to date.

Can't say where or who I work for, but if you drink wine, there is a very good possibility you drank something I've made
Im a professional winemaker. Currently have about 30000 gallons in fermentation. I have made around 40 million gallons to date.

Can't say where or who I work for, but if you drink wine, there is a very good possibility you drank something I've made

That's just a bit over the 200 gallons per year that most of us are allowed to make! Unless you are 5000 years old!

If we guess where you work do we win a free case of wine? I guess Mondavi.
Welcome to WMT. If you need a taster for your wine I'm willing ! Bakervinyard