RJ Spagnols Grapeskin bag seal broken

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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2015
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Hi Everyone,

I just bought a Winery Series Australian Pinot Noir. It came with two 1.25 KG bags of crushed grapeskins. So basically 5 lbs of skins. One bag is sealed perfectly, and the other one's seal is broken, with a small cut in the bag. I'm not 100% sure if I cut it on something by accident as I was taking it out of the box, or it came like that in the box. Do you think it's okay to use those skins? They don't smell or taste bad.

Is it normal for these kits to come with 2 bags of skins?

Hi Everyone,

I just bought a Winery Series Australian Pinot Noir. It came with two 1.25 KG bags of crushed grapeskins. So basically 5 lbs of skins. One bag is sealed perfectly, and the other one's seal is broken, with a small cut in the bag. I'm not 100% sure if I cut it on something by accident as I was taking it out of the box, or it came like that in the box. Do you think it's okay to use those skins? They don't smell or taste bad.

Is it normal for these kits to come with 2 bags of skins?


I'd call the place you bought it from and ask them.

Here is what happened to me once ,years ago, Opened a kit and the main juice bag was punctured within a crease. The leak had stained the cardboard box. At the puncture, within the crease the juice had crusted and built up, pretty thick. When I smelled, it had no bad odor. If I remember correctly I called and they said try it and if it is bad they would replace it. I made the kit and it was fine, it made a nice wine.

I would think if it happened before you opened it there would be signs of leakage. If not re-bag it, getting the air out, seal it, put it in the fridge, and use it when needed.
I don't know about the package amount. Like I mentioned I'd make a phone call and ask them to be on the safe side.
The 3 Winery series kits ive done so far had 2 bags of skins, so i assume thats normal.
Thanks! I went ahead and started it. I phoned my LHBS, and they asked me to send a picture of it. They said it looked ok, and if it smelled okay, go ahead and try it. If it's no good, they will replace the kit. I smelled the grapeskins, and I sanitized a spoon and tasted them. They tasted perfectly fine. I was impressed by the fact that it came with 5 lbs of crushed skins! I swapped out the EC 1118 yeast for RC 212. This is my first time modifying a kit at all. Cheers!
Thanks! I went ahead and started it. I phoned my LHBS, and they asked me to send a picture of it. They said it looked ok, and if it smelled okay, go ahead and try it. If it's no good, they will replace the kit. I smelled the grapeskins, and I sanitized a spoon and tasted them. They tasted perfectly fine. I was impressed by the fact that it came with 5 lbs of crushed skins! I swapped out the EC 1118 yeast for RC 212. This is my first time modifying a kit at all. Cheers!
I had a WinExpert kit that leaked within the double walled bag (shown before and after) I sent them the pictures. The reply I got was "sorry about that. The kit is likely to be ok, so go ahead and make it, at worst, it won't hurt you. We will also be sending a replacement kit to your retailer, so pick it up the next time you go there."

I don't think you should have to sitt on a 2 month science experiment b4 they replace your kit; it's damaged.

