grape vine problems....

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Senior Member
Dec 24, 2005
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I have three merlot and three cab sav grape vines. The problem is with one specific vine. It is one of the biggest fastest growing. They are about two-three years old. I have not allowed them to produce fruit yet and have been training them up.

The specific problem with on is about five feet tall, with old wood going up about two feet. The vine then breaks into two vines and goes up to vine and leafs.

It has created leaves and looked good. I come out after a two week vacation (with normal weather) and the leaves are turning brown and dying. At the base of the plant is a new shoot! A very healthy shoot about 1/4 in in diameter with good leaves.

now the other vines are prefect still. This one seems to have healthy roots by looking at the new start, but the old wood is dying. I have inspected it for mildew and have seen none, and I have inspected it closely for any type of bugs, and have seen none.

Has anyone ever heard of this? any suggestions. We do have cold winters, but even the smaller vines came through without any problem and it already started growing well this year....

I may take some pictures this week. Today I gave it several gallons of water to see if that might help.
That sounds discouraging to have it get sick. Hard to say just what is wrong with it without a picture. One thing that comes to mind could possibly be a cane borer. They will get inside and hollow out the inside of actively growing canes. This can kill them like described. When that happens they need to be pruned out and let some growth take place below where the stem was destroyed. You say you have a shoot down low. Let that grow for now just in case it is needed to take over. One point of caution- those vines you listed are normally grafted on rootstock. The graft union is normally planted about two inches above the soil. Make sure the shoot isn't growing from below that. If it is- it won't be acceptable since it will be the rootstock not your vine. If above the union it will be fine to save and use if needed. Good luck.