Got Elk?

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Jul 7, 2009
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Northern Nuevo Mexico
We sure do! They are moving down from the high country in droves the past month or so. There was at least 50-75 in this herd. These shots are taken about 3 miles down the road from the house. The land is all Bandelier National Monument so no hunting and they seem to know exactly where that border is!

The sun was at a bad angle for any better of a snap. They were only ~10 yards away from the road. Saw a couple of young bulls as well.

Been seeing more than usual this Fall. I suspect the big fire this Summer (Las Conchas) destroyed a lot of their normal habitat for this time of year so they are here earlier and in much larger numbers. I saw a heard of easily over 100 going to work a few weeks back. Usually you see maybe 6-10 in a group but we have been seeing huge herds lately.

Somedays you can see 1000's of them in the Fall up in the Valle Grande in the Jemez mountains grazing (also protected). They are HUGE!



You saw them going to work?? Do they have work visas or social security cards? LOL
It looks like you are under exposed.

Try setting your camera for about a stop to 1 1/2 stops more exposure. That or set the camera for spot metering and take the reading on the animal.

The white snow throws the camera meter off.
Wish I had a clue of what you were saying Boyd! LOL Im lucky if I can even get the pic of the animal before it has left the state!!
Nice pics, Mike. Beautiful animals. A big bull would look nice in my family room. :pic
[The camera meter shows a lot of light and from the sky and so the main interest in the photonn (the elk) will be under exposed and the snow will appear somewhat grey.

Has to do with the way meters are calibrated so with a lot of white snow and bright sky you need to over expose to compensate.

Most cameras have a method to control exposure.

Anyway I wish I had taken that picture. Just to see the animal in the wild would be great even if I didn't get to take a picture.
Nice ibglowin,

Always good to see them, we don't seem go get herds that large around here but do have them every year about 10 miles down the road.
Thanks for the pics!
This was my iPhone! I don't keep a DSLR in the car just in case........

This was on the way to some friends house (dropping off wine of course) just down the road towards Bandelier National Monument. I used to photograph weddings for $$$ so I know a bit about cameras but this was a OMG, pull over to the side of the road, try not to get rear ended, find the phone, grab the phone and pull up the camera app up and hope they don't RUN!

They were a little skittish but didn't run away really. You do NOT want to meet one of these guys head on, whatever your driving will be totaled....

Driving home at night from Los Alamos to where we live in White Rock can be especially dangerous at night. I remember one night a few years back my wife and I were headed home in separate cars and a huge bull elk decided to dart across the road right in between us. I was in front and my wife behind.

When we got to the house her eyes were like saucers. I had no idea as it was dark and I was concentrating on what was ahead and not behind. She was like "DID YOU SEE THAT!!!!!! :sh

It looks like you are under exposed.

Try setting your camera for about a stop to 1 1/2 stops more exposure. That or set the camera for spot metering and take the reading on the animal.

The white snow throws the camera meter off.
I'd loved to been there to see them I have never see elk let alone hunted any I think I would have been more excited then you just to have the picture
Got Caribou?

LOL, my buddy just brought me a bunch of caribou meat!

As some of you may know, reindeer are domestic caribou. I can't wait to eat some of it, but will wait till after Christams. Something just sounds politically incorrect about doing it till then, No sense to pi$$ Santa off.

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