Gluten in wine?

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Senior Member
Mar 28, 2012
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Can anyone tell me if there is gluten in wine ie: yeast used? Dont want to stop my hes hobby after being diagnosed gluten intolerant.
Grapes contain no gluten, therefore grape wines contain no gluten. I believe this is true for all fresh fruit (preservatives or processing can introduce small amounts of gluten as byproduct or contamination from other processing that occurs in the same location). The only way gluten is known to reach commercial wines is through some fining agents that arguably can leave some gluten residue, and some oak barrel sealants (don't ask me about it, that's above my pay-grade :p ).

So, limit your new hobby to making wine from grapes, juice, kits, or other fresh fruit, bulk age without fining agents (bentonite should be ok - it is actually a type of clay; some avoid isinglass b/c it is made from fish), and bulk age in carboys rather than oak barrels, and you should be fine.
JohnT, gluten is bad for people with a chronic digestive disorder called celiac disease. It can cause people with celiac great distress and damage to the small intestine. According to some studies 1 in 133 Americans suffer from celiac disease.

Teaser, that's a very interesting question. I found this article by Joe Otos of Willowbrook Cellars who did tests on two of his wines and found no gluten. It's a very short but interesting read.
Thankyou I have graves disease which is a thyroid disease and other autoimune illness occur one being gluten intolerance and ceolac . Its new to me so got alot to learn .
My son was born allergic to literally everything. We almost lost him and had to have him on a 5 day rotation diet. Wheat in product meant no more wheat for five more days. Same with sugars, fruits, vegetables, meats, you name it. Today he's outgrown it all and is healthy (and big) as an Ox. Lord what I would have given for the internet back then. The amount of information today really can be a God send.
Ooh I bet that was really hard and stressing yes you are right thank god for the internet!!!
Here's TMI on gluten! :h

I do not have a gluten disease but am allergic/reactive to gluten. So is my wife, so we do not eat it. This is the reason I quit drinking beer and started making wine!

Lalvin yeasts are certified gluten free. I don't know about other brands. Unless you are making a wine from wheat or other grain that contains gluten, you will be safe. Use only the yeasts certified gluten free.

For those who are sensitive, gluten provokes an inflammatory response. Many many people are suffering from "allergies" or "arthritis" or "irritable bowel syndrome" when what they really are is allergic to gluten. It is many times more common than Celiac or Graves, the more serious diseases involving gluten. It is possible to be quite sensitive to gluten and yet not fall into one of those clinical diagnoses.

One theory is that many Baby Boomers were sensitized early on in life because during that period of the 1940s-1950s when they were infants and toddlers, it was advised to feed them solid foods containing gluten much earlier than is now the practice. This theory postulates that this early feeding of solid foods containing gluten sensitized their intestines to it. I think it was in the mid-70s that the newer guidelines that hold off on solid foods for babies longer were adopted.

Since I eliminated it, I do not have the joint and muscle aches that used to plague my everyday life. My lungs and nose are clearer and HUGELY less stuffed up. When I do eat something with gluten, the symptoms return. It is so easy now to eliminate it, since so many foods have been made with gluten-free formulations. It just makes restaurant eating a challenge.
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I have not been "right" for years and lots of things are adding up now being tested for arthritis, was treated for ibs,constantly bloated,fatigue, to name a few and I have 2 auto immune dissorders at mo. I was a 60s baby and I think what you are saying it probably true with weaning kids. I will look for the lavlin yeast I have been using youngs. I do not want to give up my much loved hobby!!! O stopped drinking lager years ago as half a glass and I would be bloated. Thankyou for the info its much appreciated :)
Great article !!
My wife has been glutten free as well and mentioned that she cannot drink any more because of it, I am glad you opened some doors for us !!
I am now looking forward and feeling alot happier especially now I can carry on with my hobby heres to gluten free and wine drinking!!! CHEERS ;-)
by the way, you can make gluten free beer.

Yes, and it is expensive to make and it tastes like ... well, it tastes bad. You can also buy a variety of overpriced commercial gluten beers that taste pretty lifeless, as well. I'll stick with wine, where everything from the finest to the rotgut are pretty much all fine for me to drink.
I think I will stick with the wine too ;-) I have been told alot of the gluten fee products can be yuk!!! I guess it will be trial and error and a whole lota learning!
I mistakenly thought I had celiac last year. It was strictly gluten free from then until I was properly diagnosed ( took several weeks before an appointment). I bought one six pack or Redbridge (AB version of gluten free beer). Not good enough to buy more. About the only thing I liked that was gluten free was brown rice bread for toast. Really good toast.

When I went to the doctor, she asked if I have had my stomach problems for many years. I said no, it just came up slowly last year. She said it is highly unlikely that I have celiac because of my age (67). She said it rarely shows up in older people. If you think you have celiac and it is hard to get straightened out, I would get a second opinion. I had microscopic Colitis.
Apparently the gluten tests Dont always show and a biopsy is needed so just have to wait and see.
But there is a link to thyroid diseases and gluten and I already have 2 auto immune disorders :-( n