WineXpert George’s STELLAR Customer Service

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Senior Member
Oct 31, 2005
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My first kit, a Beaujalois, I ruined. There is the tumultuous story a few threads down. Well I did not know what to do. I received it as a Christmas present, from myself
and had it in the bottle by January 17th. Long story short I evidently did not sanitize properly. It picked up a stinky little gremlin and really through some off flavors. About a week ago I contacted George and he asked for a bottle to try. I sent him a couple of bottles and today arrived a REPLACEMANT BEAUJALOIS KIT.

UNBELIEVABLE FIRST RATE CUSTOMER SERVICE. Especially considering it was my fault.

Thanks George, I'm a believer!!!!!

Great news Earl and thank you for sharing your story as it certainly adds value to why we can not stress enough that proper sanitation is very important to wine making.

Like I said the other day....Still need another reason to shop at The Winemaker's Toy Store?
Lets not all focus on the extraordinary services but look at the everyday service. You can't beat it.

How many times have you ordered something and within an hour had your tracking number as the item had been shipped?

How many times have you posted a forum post asking a question and had an answer in less than an hour?

Who has ever had to spend endless time unpacking the perfectly packed items?
(I say this because I ordered an item for my Jeep and opened it this morning. It was packed terrible and smashed all up inside the box and this was a pretty well indestructible item)

These things all add up to everyday service which I am truly anal about. Yeah. I have bought some stuff from other places and yeah, there are places withlower prices on some items but service goes a long way in my world. And in reality, you aren't paying anything extra for it and normally get it at a discount price here.

In business you have to add quality and value for the customer or they won't be a customer. This means more than just a low price but service and quality as well. I am sure I am not the biggest customer but I know I have spent a lot of money here in the last year and there is a reason why. Service with a smile. Can't beat it and can't wait to meet him in person and shake his hand!

Well said Smurfe.....and George has made customer service a top priority from day it is not a surprise the business has grown into what it is today.

Anyone can sell stuff and all the extras is what separates FVW from others.
You can see my feelings about George's awesome costomer service in the tutorial thread he posted. The way that George treated me before I was even a customer sold me on his business. If I NEED something fast or just a few little things, the shop in Pensacola is great and run by great people as well so I'll drive over there. The problem with that is it is on the far side of town and a good 45-60 minute drive from me, so I really have to NEED to go as the drive is terrible. I looked at other sites and yes, some had better prices but, not one of them took the time to e-mail me and offer help BEFORE I bought something as George did. And I had to sign up for the site to check shipping and other possible charges to the order. I also found that with a few minor ommisions, George's started kits were the most complete. The only thing that I will purchase from another site will be things that George does not carry, and even then I'll ask if he can get it as I know I'll get an answer not a run around.

Thanks to all for the kind words and I can't wait, as well, to meet all of my wonderful customers. With the kind of customers I have, it is not hard to provide good customer service.

On the flip side, please let me know if I ever let you down. Your feedback is the only way I know how I am doing and what needs to be fixed.

Thanks, again!
George does indeed do a good job packing the items he ships. And kudos to him for his customer service!

Now, if I had only bought my dryer from George, I wouldn't be tearing it apart to try and make it work!