Funny Taste

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Sep 20, 2010
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I made a kit and it has a funny taste. My wife describes it as having a slight paint thinner aroma. Any help would be appreciated.
Can you give us some details? What kind of kit and when you made it, bttled it and so on?
I made a kit and it has a funny taste. My wife describes it as having a slight paint thinner aroma. Any help would be appreciated.

Has this been bottled? If so - it might be corked.

Corks are natural products, and some microorganisms like to eat them. A wine is properly said to be corked when it has come in contact with a contaminated cork during the aging process. The results of this contamination are almost always unmistakable: The wine will smell like a wet basement after a flood or dirty socks left in the hamper a little too long: moldy, nasty and not at all enticing to the taster. On the palate, it will be astringent, lacking in fruit, with a raspy finish. Sometimes you may even notice a paint-thinner quality.
I made a kit and it has a funny taste. My wife describes it as having a slight paint thinner aroma. Any help would be appreciated.

Is this your first kit?

Actually, wines made from kit can have a chemical smell and taste for several months after making it.
It's a Moments kit. I bottled it two days ago. I had some left and put in the the refrig, and it has the same funny taste. This is my first kit. I was hoping for something better than what I got.
It's a Moments kit. I bottled it two days ago. I had some left and put in the the refrig, and it has the same funny taste. This is my first kit. I was hoping for something better than what I got.

Likely what you taste is the typical kit taste and taste of green wine. Even expensive kits have this. It takes time and patience for it to go away, but it WILL go away.

After you make a few kits and taste/smell the wine at that same stage, you will be able to mentally get around that "green" taste/smell in order to judge how the wine might be in a year or so.

Try it again in a few months; it may not be ready to drink, but that taste should become less by then.
It is probably the sulfites. They are necessary to make good wine but when it is young they are very noticeable. They eventually go away in about a month or two in the bottle.
When your wife mentioned "paint thinner", I immediately wondered if you are smelling an acetone aroma (nail polish remover). Here's an article from Winemaker Magazine on the problem. Acetone Smell
I dont kno anything of these kits but sorry to say you usully get what you pay for as Im betting this is some very cheap kit. Some age will most likely help this go away and taste better as any wine will.
It may taste better with some ageing on it. You have already bottled it so it won't hurt to let it be for awhile and either start a new one or buy some in the mean time.
Let's get back to that batch. It could have been one a few simple reasons or a combination of several things. These could have been; Poor sanitation maybe something got by, High fermentation temperature which can give off flavors, Non food grade fermenter, Open fermenter especially after the active fermentation, and Excesive oxygen in the secondary fermenter. You never know wild yeast or some other substance may have got in the must. I got this from a homebrewing article I have on Flavors and their possible causes. I hope this helps out.

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