fruit wine strange aroma

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Nov 27, 2010
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First fruit wine giving off a strange aroma after adding 71b-1122 lalvin yeast. It smelled fine before adding yeast only after adding the yeast it started to give off this aroma is this common for fruit wines? It has been about 7 hours since adding the yeast and it's fermenting but it really stinks...
I think you are smelling the yeast. Once you get use to the smell of yeast, you will start to really enjoy it.
Aint that a great smell?
Thats the yeasties EATING the sugar so you can have alcohol in your wine.
Thanks Julie you really put a smile on my face with that comment. I had bad things on my mind but I need to think positive about this :)

This is really pungent my skeeter pee smelled great but I used lalvin EC-1118 for that batch.. I though it might be a typical fruit wine smell but I never did anything with real fruit yet.

BTW: The fruit (blackberry,strawberry,rasberry,blueberry)
Indeed Tom, hopefully all goes well with this batch. I'm not even sure how to describe the smell .. Do you have some comparison that might spark a clue as to what it's suppose to smell like?
What kind of fruit wine is this?

Sometimes if your nutrients are low you will get off smells...
Not this early in the game though so I highly dount its that and more likely what Julie and Tom said. My wife still hates the smell but likes the wine.
Thanks all,

I don't get the impression of rotten eggs with this, I dont want to say mold either but thats about as close I can describe it. It did burn my nose when I took a big sniff :)
don't ferment in your bedroom the co2 will gag you. Never judge a wine by early smells or short tastes
Nothing like Wine Fermenting in the Morning!
I would say that theres nothing abnormal about that. I have noticed this smell is heavier sometimes with deferent kinds of yeast. just give it a couple of days in the primary, check your SG, and rack it off the fruit into your secondary around 1.010. As the fermentation slows the order will decrease.
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Mine smelled really bad the first few days it was fermenting. Thanks to this website I figured out the problem. The first few days of fermenting in the primary you are supposed to lay something over the primary bucket or just have the lid on loosely so the wine can breath. I had the lid snapped on tightly and I was starving it of oxygen. It smelled very very bad.
Cool.. Hopefully this skunk smell will eventually go away and bring back some fruit aroma. This sure wouldn't be good on the nose if it sticks around, havent tasted it yet maybe when transfer to secondary.
I took reading today and it's about ready to transfer to secondary 1.020 right now. I took a sample and get the impression of cough syrup(robitussin).. not very good right now :(
Sounds like it is right on track then. Rack it and leave it a month. It won't taste good then either, but it should be great in 6-12.