fruit wine, loganberry

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Steve B

Aug 3, 2008
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I bought a fruit wine base, recipe calls for 5tsp acid blend which I dont have I read somewhere else you can use lemon juice instead if so how much if it
Get some acid blend. It would take to much lemon juice to replace the acid needed therefore adding a very lemony taste to your loganberry.
If you don't have acid blend, and you already mixed it up - get some Citric Acid from grocery store or pharmacy or craft store. It will do in a pinch. Better would be the Acid Blend if you have a home brew store nearby.

A lot of recipes will call for lemon juice but I agree with Wade - I wouldn't do that myself either.
I am already mixed up (wine wise that is) no yeast yet so would it hurt greatly to wait till monday to add acid blend also looking for a good recipe for grape wine from fruit
Should be fine till Monday - Keep the must cool if you aren't pitching the yeast yet (ie refridgerator).

But if you are getting some Acid Blend, I'd recommend you get an acid test kit as well. Recipes are a guideline, not an absolute. Fruit is not 100% consistent -- one person might need 5 tsp acid blend with the particular must from their fruit, while you might need more or less for "your" fruit. Even with commercially prepared fruit base.

...and...When you ask for a good recipe for grape wine from fruit, it's going to depend on the grapes, the variety of grapes, the brix level of those grapes, the acid level .... and what sort of style wine you want out of it.

I've made wine from grapes we grow (concord x native, not vinifera) but I juice the grapes first, then add water, sugar to target SG and adjust the acid based on acid test results along with "the usual suspects" (campden, pectic enzyme, tannin powder, yeast nutrient, yeast energizer). I have recipe guidelines, but not formal recipes.

There's a nice little booklet about "making wine at home" and another with fruit wine & grape wine recipes that came with my equipment kit - from Fine Vine Wines - and I use those as my guide and reference along with help from the folks on this board.

Tell us about the grapes! There are plenty of fresh-grape winemakers here who can give you guidance for sure.
I have downloaded a book" the home wine making book by michiel pesgens" which I am starting to understand a little and the grapes, i dont have them yet the gentleman tells me that they are sweet and about to fall off. I think they are a concord bu not sure its an established plant around 25-30 years and I live in west michigan the grapes are grand rapids our summer took awhile to get here cool then hot and we have had more than our share of rain I was supposed to stop and get some after work last week but it rained almost everyday and I would rather stand in the rain and fish than pick grapes.
You can wait a while to add acid and I wouldnt fool around with substitutes. Get everything you need before starting batches or you can get yourself in trouble.

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