fruit wine,Is now 30 days in secondary

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Mar 29, 2012
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hi everyone, well my first strawberry fruit wine is now 30 days in the secondary in the carboy and is apparently no sign in the surface of fermentation, no bubbles and almost no activity in the airlock.
So what next? racked to another fermentor for clearing for another days or just leave it there?

there's + -1/3" inch of sediments right now
the FG is .895
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take a reading first to make sure you are done fermenting, if your reading is below 1.000 then yes rack and add k-meta.
Already done that like i mention before, now it is .895 ,

Edit: i know that i must wait for months to claryfing, flavor, free sediments and conditioning, but what if i decided to add a claryfing agent and K-meta will do for having a drinkable wine after sweet in it a little bit..(my wife's tasting), i dont think i want to wait so long
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sorry but you need to look again, hydrometers normally only go down to .990, actually I never seen one go lower than that. And what was your starting sg?
Addition to strawberry wine

If you want to clear the strawberry wine,use bentonite. This will clear the wine, plus it will take the "bite" out of the wine. The seeds on the outside of the strawberry adds a bitter taste to the wine and bentonite helps get rid of it.
Well Julie, at least is lower thant .990 right now, i'll watch again today while racking to get rid of the sediments and see what happens now...

Sofavannah: that exactly the way it tastes, a little bitter and the drynees is noticeable, so i guess adding the bentonite will do his work
If you have it down completely dry like you say, it will be bitter or sour. Draw a little glass and add a little sugar to it. Keep adding a little til it gets where you like it. The sugar helps bring out the fruit flavors, and Sovannah says the bentonite will help too. Good luck with it. Arne.
If you have it down completely dry like you say, it will be bitter or sour. Draw a little glass and add a little sugar to it. Keep adding a little til it gets where you like it. The sugar helps bring out the fruit flavors, and Sovannah says the bentonite will help too. Good luck with it. Arne.

bentonite is a simple agent- a clay product and does a great job with proteins.

The bitterness could be do to high acid - sugar additions will off site the bitterness.

By bitterness do you mean acidic or tannic?
Winemaker 3352, it could be not that bitter at all, before pitching the yeast i adjust the acidity with tritable acid test and i didnt put enzyme pectyne at the star.
And every sample i drank before is good strawberry flavor but in the end theres a little bit of bitternes but not sourness. I it might be fix by adding a little bit of sugar and perhaps the most important thing in winemaking...timeee.
i let you know how it goes very soon

thanks to all. saludos amigos!
yes, ... my kids crushed it with their feet just the old way..dont worry i add enough campden tablets haha
yes, and my two kids crushed the fruit with their feet just the old way system, haha, man that was fun!
dont worry y added the campden tablets and wait 24 hours before i pitch the yeast
Do you let your friends know that you crushed the fruits with your feet or is that censored off?? Haha
I made the mistake by telling some of my relatives and some friends that my kids crushed the fruit with their feet, my neighbors could not hide their rarity of the system to hear that...
Last night i racked actually, and is very well claryfied at 34 days now, tastes better!