Frozen Wine

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Dec 15, 2009
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I have 2 5 gallon carboys in which i was fermenting some apple wine(actually had finished fermenting, was getting ready to rack off into bottles) Had to leave for a few days, lo and behold, 20 below nights, unheated bedroom = frozen wine.Any suggestions? Thanks.
whoops ! You may have inadvertantly made applejack.

At the very least the freeze will have killed off any remaining yeast for sure, as you'll certainly have 'cold stabilized' it. Fortunately, freezing does "preserve" things. Way better than leaving it for a few days in blistering heat and the A/C going out.

If it was me -- and if I don't keep feeding the fireplace it could be, we are enduring some hefty cold up in my neck of the woods the last few days -- I'd let it warm up - thaw out - slowly... so that the carboy doesn't crack... give it a nice good stir to get it all mixed up nicely again, then take a taste before continuing on with the next steps to be sure it's still good to go.

Let us know how it turns out and welcome to the forum.

Mrs. Pelican
I know people cold stablize.... But I have never heard about the effects of it actually freezing. Keep us posted on how this turns out. As Mrs. Pelican said.... Thaw it SLOWLY.

I hope the water pipes in your home did not crack.
Thanks, I'm moving it to the basement to allow it to thaw slowly. will follow your advice, will post back with results. The potatoes are going on the compost heap!! only had a small pail full in that room. by the way the pipes didnt freeze, it's a room I dont bother to heat.
Welcome to the forum dakman. Wow! It sounds cold where you live. I know you will get a warm welcome here. I hope that helps.
I recently had 2 bottles freeze solid with -40 degree weather up in our neck of the woods.Both corks were pushed out and when i slowly thawed the wine back to room temperature i thought the wine tasted good.

I wouldn,t suggest freezing wine but if it does happen it very well may still be very good to drink.

Good luck with your wine.

Dan R
What? -40? I can't begin to imagine it! You must be waaay north, Dan! How can you do it?
the only different thing that i would say on a wine in general that has been frozen is that before any a taste test and or acid test...see if you like acid level...tartrate crystals will drop and you may not want them stirred back in, instead you may wish to rack off first