foster care...

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Mad Scientist
Feb 11, 2012
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just an update to those well wishers and those that showed interest in what my gf and i are is now of this upcoming wednesday, we will be taking in my gf's nephews....they will be living with us, and if the parents are not in "substantial compliance" with the rulings of the courts and such, then their rights will be stripped and we will then pursue adoption....once again, thanks go out to all of you that wished us well in this endeavor....thank you very much for all of your moral support and prayers....i may not be an extremely religious person but blessing go out to all of you....

smilez....thank you, doug....we know this is a big step, and won't be easy, but it is a challenge we are willing to take in order to finally give these boys a normal, stabile, loving home life....
Wow, thats great and stepping out to plate on this just shows that the people on this forum are great!
Wade E said:
Wow, thats great and stepping out to plate on this just shows that the people on this forum are great!

thank you, i said before, thanks to all you great people for your words of encouragement and support...
Ken IMO this just shows how big of a heart that you and your wife have. I was a foster parent years ago and took care of 4 besides my own 5 boys.
It can be rewarding and also break your heart when they leave. Just now that God is smiling down on you both right now.
Runningwolf said:
Ken, I cannot say enough about you and the gf. Congratulations!! We'd love to see a group photo.

well dan, i will definitely get a group photo taken when we get the little ones....once i post it, i just might need a little help getting itadjusted to the right every time i go to post a pic, it winds up sideways....once again, thank you dan, and redtrk....
Great to here Ken! It's so great that things are work out, and that these kids will now have a loving, stable home thanks to you and your gf! Good luck! I hope it all continues to go smoothly for you!
Like others have said, My God bless and keep all of you. My you remember the joy of each new experience with these kids, and forget all of the sorrows.
Like others have said, My God bless and keep all of you. My you remember the joy of each new experience with these kids, and forget all of the sorrows.

thank you john....i know it will not be easy, but the satisfaction i will have in knowing i will have had a hand in giving these 2 a happy healthy home life will be all worth it...

for those that have been following, and giving support, here's an update....we picked the boys up yesterday!!! we pulled up in the driveway, they were playing outside and when they saw us pulling in, they're little faces just lit right up and we were greeted with hugs and excitement....after a few minutes, they ran into the house to start getting their stuff both wound up falling asleep as we made the 2 hour trip back home....dan, you wanted pics, my friend, well here's number one with more eventually to come....the one on the left in aiden and he is 5, and the one on the right is landon, who is 4....they are both doing very well so far...smilez...

That's great for all of you. Them boys look like trouble to me. ;)

roflmao, tj.....they are a little rambunctious, but then again, they are only 4 and wish i had the energy those 2 i think there are already adjusting pretty well....tonight i'll get to see how they handle being at the bowling alley as i have league gf might wind up having to chase them
Fantastic news Ken. They look like great kids who just need some love, a stable home and to know that there is a boundary (when the time comes). With boys you always have to be on your toes for sure..........

I can't add much to what has already said except for what it's worth, I'm very proud of ya'll.
Semper Fi
Fantastic news Ken. They look like great kids who just need some love, a stable home and to know that there is a boundary (when the time comes). With boys you always have to be on your toes for sure..........


roflmao.....thanks, mike, and you are right....they are great kids, and with all the bouncing they have done since being brought into this world, they will probably need some counseling as well, but we are willing to get them the help they need....i think it will help that they are still so young also....and you are also right about them being, if you look closely at escalators at the department stores and such nowadays, they have a little invention on them i am sure i was partly the reason for....they now have a little lock and lockout on the emergency stop button....i was notorious, when i was a wee one, for pushing the emergency stop button and shutting down the escalators....what can i say???....i was a curious lil tike...i saw that bright red button, and wondered to myself "hmmm, what does this do?" of course being so young, i didn't know if i would get the same reaction at different stores, so i did it was basically the only mischievious thing i actually really ever did...(at least that i remember anyway)...hehehe...but i'm sure with the love and care my gf and i have for them, they will turn out just fine, if the parents rights are stripped as of august and we get to adopt them....until then, we will still do whatever we can for them....
I can't add much to what has already said except for what it's worth, I'm very proud of ya'll.
Semper Fi

thank you ernest...we appreciate the support for mom is already so giddy and supportive as well, already mentioning on facebook about how she is now a foster grandma and all....smilez....she used to be a pre-kindergarten teacher and has always loved little ones...seeing as how she's never had a chance at being a grandma to little ones, she's enjoying ex's boys were already 7 and 11 when we got together, and my gf's son's are already 15 and 17...when we took the little ones over there when dropping my stepdad's truck back off after borrowing it to move the boys' stuff, my mom already had a little goody bag full of pencils, play dough, hacky sack balls, and such, waiting for them....i tell ya what, those little smiles really do warm the heart....