Follow juice directions or go by readings?

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Jan 1, 2019
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Hi everyone! This is my first go at winemaking and I am not sure what I should do.
It's day 8.5 into primary fermentation on my Wine Expert Cabernet (using a Master Vintner kit). Day 1 reading was 1.082.
The directions that came with the juice say that I should move on to step 2 (Stabilizing/Degassing) on day 14.
Out of curiosity, I took a reading tonight -- 0.992 at 75°.
Do I need to move on to the next step? Did I leave it too long already? Advice?


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Less than 0, time to move on. Don’t worry, you haven’t broken anything :)

Thanks for your help! I tasted the primary... Too sour for my liking
Should I hope for much of a change? Did I let it go too long for my taste?
Thanks for your help! I tasted the primary... Too sour for my liking
Should I hope for much of a change? Did I let it go too long for my taste?

There will be a lot of CO2 in the wine from fermentation, and that will add a sharp tart flavor. I had the same issue with a cab sauv and after a few months of bulk aging it has a wonderful flavor and the tartness is gone. You can also add a bit of inverted sugar or glycerin the counteract that if you don't want to wait, but most red wines will need at least 6 months in the bottle to develop and become tasty