First time with buckets

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Yea I also add oak when aging. Keep in mind juice needs longer to age compared to kits. For reds 12 months, Whites 6+ months.
Well, 23 hrs and still nothing. Keeping my fingers crossed. I'm probably being paranoid. I have never rehydrated yeast before but I followed the directions to a tee.
What yeast did you use?

How long did you rehydrate for?

What was the temp of the rehydration water?

You could have "cooked" the yeast if too hot.

You could have over-sulfited the must.

If you left the yeast in the water longer than 15 min the yeast could have died before pitching.
I used Bourgovin 212. I didn't take the temp of the water but it was only Luke warm. I rehydrated for 15 minutes. When I got the buckets on Monday I put 1/2 tsp of k meta per bucket. I whipped the buckets for 7-8 minutes before I added anything last night. I did smell the buckets before I added anything and didn't really smell the k meta.
I did get a few extra packets of yeast so I can pitch some more if that might help.
After adding meta you need to just lay the lid (no airlock) AND wait 12-24 hours befor pitching yeast.

Do I understand you waited 7-8 min after "whipping" it?

If so the yeast died.
If you rehydrate yeast you should definitely check the temp with a digital thermometer. It should be ~104 degrees. Luke warm could be much warmer in reality and you could have cooked the yeast.
No I added the meta on Monday. Then I let it sit till last night. I used my drill stirred for approx. 7-8 minutes per bucket then let the buckets sit for about 1 hr then added the enzyme. Then I let that sit for approx. 1 hr per the instructions. Then I did the yeast thing.
1/2 tsp? Thats dble what you really wanted to use. Just to be clear how long after sulfiting did you add the yeast?
Wade, it was Monday night when I added the meta then last night is when I pitched the yeast. George orginally told me 1/4 tsp but then told me 1/2. He did say to stir must before adding yeast so maybe I didn't stir it enough?
Thinking about it I did have the covers on the buckets. Should I have had the covers off maybe.
I think I might go home in am when I get off duty and stir the buckets some more then pitch another packet of yeast in each bucket. Would that hurt anything?
Lids laying loosely on top are OK. They should not be snapped when you are first trying to get things going.
Word of advise especially when you have plenty of time on your hands. Make a yeast starter, this way you know the yeast is good. I dont do the rehydrate thing myself. I much prefer the starter or if not that just the sprinkle on top. So you let it sit 4 days after putting the stuff in before adding yeast. Id be careful waiting that long unless it was really cool although seeing that it was heavily sulfited you were safe in this instance.
Ok so I went home this am and still didn't have a cap or anything but the grape lax on the bag had floated to the top. Would this mean anything ? I did pitch a package of dry yeast in each bucket. Hopefully this will take. I do appreciate all the help advise and support from you all. Thank you to all.
Hey guys, I pitched more yeast yesterday morning. I just sprinkled it on top. Still nothing. Do you think there is just to much meta in there? I was thinking about stirring each bucket for 15 or so minutes to try and get rid of the excess. I have 2 more packages of yeast that I can pitch after that. Does that sound like a plan. I am beginning to get bummer out.
Is your yeast expired by chance? If these are not starting SO2 is the only culprit that I could think about

Perhaps its time for a pack of Lalvin EC1118 the "Terminator" of yeast is in order at this point.
If it is sulfite and I believe it is as like I said 1/2 tsp is dble what I ever use and what is recommended. What you really should do is poor from one bucket to another nit being gentle while doing i. This is called splash racking and is the best way to get excess S02 out of your wine and this is also used to help alleviate your wine from H2S problems also along with sulfite. Do this splash racking a few times and make a starter yeast while your doing this and slowly add your must to this a little at a time to get the yeast acclimated to whatever is the problem here.