First newbie lesson

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Jun 1, 2010
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So I decided to make an apple wine after tasting a commercial product. I will post my recipe here after it is done and I have something to actually tell.

I started the batch last night just before bed. Here is the picture

So I got up this morning for work, went over to check on my fine wine, and UGH!! Wow that could have been much worse, guess it was too full.


So now I will have to change out the airlock when I get home today and let this one soak a bit to get, (what will undoubtedly be hard dried) the yeast out of it.

Oh well live and learn.
Looks like you may not have enough room to ferment, if you change out the airlock it probably will happen again. You might need to put it in a ferment bucket with a lid on and let the yeast break down the sugar. My batch had about four inches of bubbles during the process. There are some awsome people on the site to help out, don't hesitate to ask, these guy's are quick to respond.
If you want to ferment in the jug like that add less water initially until the ferment slows down, then add the rest of your volume.

I'd also recommend the 3 piece airlocks for ease of cleaning. I still have a bunch of the s-lock airlocks, but only use them for clearing / bulk aging wines, or if I run out of 3 piece.

Other than that vigorous fermentation(not a bad thing except for the mess) you look good to go. As you use different yeasts you will find that some are more vigorous than others.
That is a good point about the airlocks, maybe I will change over to those. Basically though I simply put too much in the jug. I will swap out the airlock and pour a little out. I think it will be ok.
You can always top it off with a little apple juice too, it will add some sugar and continue the ferment, but it would be towards the end and the yeast will be slowing down
Better yet, use a small plastic bucket. Then just lay the lid on top. No real reason to airlock in the early stages of the primary.
Yeah could have used a bucket, but I don't have one yet. Also as quick as the concentrate wine seems to ferment to completion (my red was 8 days) I didn't really know how long to leave it in the bucket before moving to my jug to finish the ferment. So I figured I would just do the entire ferment in the jug with the airlock.

I do plan on going by my local donut shop and seeing about buckets.
Mixer said:
I didn't really know how long to leave it in the bucket before moving to my jug to finish the ferment.

Just until the really active fermentation is done. (approx 1.020 SG)
I make 1 gallon batches from concentrate all the time. I like to play around with flavors so concentrates and one gallon jugs works out great.

When you first start the wine leave the airlock off of it for a few days, place a towel over top of it until fermentation slows down.