Fine sediment

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Sep 5, 2008
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I have a coating of fine sediment in the tastes fine actually better all the time but i was curious what caused this was it to much air or the temp changes after bottling?
It is usually caused by bottling prematurely. It doesn't hurt anything , but can look a bit untidy. If you bulk age and do a few rackings, you rarely get any dustings like this. It is usually in whites. They look clear and you go ahead and bottle only to have them drop a bit more of sediment out after bottling.
Yep, more time in the carboy and we all learn this on the 1st batch or 2!
Yep, learned this one on my second batch! I honestly couldn't stand that batch, something about the fine sediment made my stomach crawl. My wife however loves it... It was a Rasberry wine...
Thanks for the help this was just the rasberry merlot.Like i said some of it is ugly but it sure tastes good.Guess ill just drink it anyway Huh!
Sacrificing yourself for the cause, Grumpy?
Well wine gets better with age so buy the time i get to the last bottle it should be even better.I guess by the time Hockey season starts i will be buying it for a while but i guess the shiraz i have made will set a little longer.