fermenting fumes

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Sep 22, 2011
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This is all new to me. I started my first Merlot kit a few days ago and its doing great. I'm starting small as my fermenting bucket is on my night stand because I have kids. my bedroom smells gassy and I woke up sick today. Are the ferment fumes bad for you or did I just have an off day.
This is all new to me. I started my first Merlot kit a few days ago and its doing great. I'm starting small as my fermenting bucket is on my night stand because I have kids. my bedroom smells gassy and I woke up sick today. Are the ferment fumes bad for you or did I just have an off day.

I don't think they will hurt you, but they might not be something you would want to sleep with all night. Some people really enjoy the smell of wine fermenting. Depending on the variety and the fruit, it can become a little much.

By the way, fermentation is giving off lots of CO2, which is heavier than air, so it tends to chase the air away from low places. Make sure the room is well ventilated.