Edmonton fruity maker

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Jul 17, 2016
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Hi there. I'm from Edmonton, Alberta.

I make mostly fruit wines these days, especially with the variety of fruit at Farmers' Markets. Right now I've got some cherry wine in a secondary, an experimental watermelon in primary and my favourite, 5 gallons of peach wine also in primary.

Come fall and winter, I'd like to try some wine kits again with hopefully some better success (my own fault), and I'd like to try crab apple cider with the number of crab apples on my street (the first attempt was half-arsed at best and tasted it. XD)
Hi Joani and welcome

lots of fresh fruit folks here. I've seen some really nice hard cider recipes, and if I had crab apples I sure would be trying some of them. I use my apple wine as a top off for many of the white varietals I make from bucket. It seems to be a universal donor almost.

watermelon? I'm impressed by your courage. I've heard too many failure stories to even try it.

Pam in cinti
Hi Joani and welcome

lots of fresh fruit folks here. I've seen some really nice hard cider recipes, and if I had crab apples I sure would be trying some of them. I use my apple wine as a top off for many of the white varietals I make from bucket. It seems to be a universal donor almost.

watermelon? I'm impressed by your courage. I've heard too many failure stories to even try it.

Pam in cinti

Thank you! Haha, the watermelon is more optimistic 'hey, I have a watermelon, what I can do with it'. As of this morning, it was fermenting happily away but it's still early days...

Thanks for the tip on apple wine for topping off, that sounds wonderful and delicious!