WineXpert Eclipse Riesling

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Feb 18, 2012
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This is my first post, but I've been reading the forum for many years! I have made 20+ red wine kits, but this is my first white wine production. The wife loves riesling, so it's in progress :h

My question is how the aging process works with this kit along with the F-Pack. I added 1/2 of the F-Pack into primary and reserved 1/2 to add post-stabilization after reading many posts here...

Primary fermentation is completed, I've racked the kit to a carboy now. I typically age the red kits 1 1/2 years, but I realize whites have a faster process. Can you give my your typical timeline for aging and when the F-Pack is added?

My plan is to make the process 9 months:
Primary - 7 days, racked to carboy at .996 sg to carboy, left only heavy sediment behind
Leave in carboy for 21 days to finish fermentation
Stabilize - add k-meta and sorbate, then add remainder of f-pack (1/2 of pack), age 3 months
Rack and add k-meta, age 3 months
Rack and add clearing agents, age 2 months
Rack, add k-meta and bottle

Is this the right process for whites?
I expect that would work although I don't understand why you would wait so long to add the clearing agent. I always add it as the last step of the Stabilize step after I have degassed and added the f-pack. Then I rack again 4-6 weeks later to start bulk aging.
Just my $0.02 here but have done a lot of white (kit) wines of every varietal including this exact kit. Way overkill. Too many rackings. Riesling is one of the fastest wines to be ready to drink. Its good to go at 3 months (and I mean really good). So 6 months and it should be more than good to go.

I would ferment to dry, add KMETA and fining agents (Winexpert uses a one step fining agent that gets added to wine with all of the gross lees) Once the wine is clear (usually about 7-10 days max) rack off the lees. Add sorbate then rest of F-pack. Top off with like wine, or rack down to smaller vessel or use headspace eliminator. (I prefer to top up with a similar wine)

If any more dust settles out over the next 60 days rack off or filter with 1u whole house filter. Bottle at 3 months and let it age for a couple of months or begin to put wine into drinking rotation.
Just my $0.02 here but have done a lot of white (kit) wines of every varietal including this exact kit. Way overkill. Too many rackings. Riesling is one of the fastest wines to be ready to drink. Its good to go at 3 months (and I mean really good). So 6 months and it should be more than good to go.

I would ferment to dry, add KMETA and fining agents (Winexpert uses a one step fining agent that gets added to wine with all of the gross lees) Once the wine is clear (usually about 7-10 days max) rack off the lees. Add sorbate then rest of F-pack. Top off with like wine, or rack down to smaller vessel or use headspace eliminator. (I prefer to top up with a similar wine)

If any more dust settles out over the next 60 days rack off or filter with 1u whole house filter. Bottle at 3 months and let it age for a couple of months or begin to put wine into drinking rotation.


Could a person add finning agent, per instructions, then at this latter time add them again, and get a more polished finish, as if he filtered? And by not filtering leave more depth to the wine??

This is something I haven't tried, but wanted to ask.. about (would it help or hurt)???

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No it would hurt the wine. When it comes to fining agents you want to use the absolute least amount possible.
Thanks for the input - sounds like it's a much faster process than the reds I've made! It's also my first WineExpert kit, I did see the fining agent difference with the gross lees. Sounds like that's that plan I'll try.