WineXpert Eclipse Cab: where did all my alcohol go?

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Sep 24, 2013
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I just bottled my first kit, an Eclipse Cab that I had been bulk aging for 3 months. I followed all the directions precisely, right up to the bulk aging, when I threw in another spiral of French oak. I tasted it at that point, and it had a reasonable level of alcohol and a nice astringency. Yesterday the nose, mouth feel, and tastes were all spectacular, and I was totally blown away. I added 1/4 tsp of tannin and went ahead with the bottling. I saved the last 3/4 bottle for myself, sucked the air out with a Vacuvin, and opened it last night. I was again amazed by how the additional oak changed the game, and I couldn't be happier with the taste. But a few things struck me. The tannins were now extremely mellow, and the alcohol content had gone way down. A bunch of the bite on the finish has vanished, and the alcohol content now seems like it is only around 10%.

I am struggling to make sense of what happened. I can see the oak affecting the tannins, but the alcohol? I did probably have a bit too much air in the carboy, with air maybe an inch below the neck. Would a lack of topping off result in these issues? Could the fact that I was tasting the dregs have anything to do with it?

I will absolutely be making this kit again, but I need to get it right next time.
How do you know the alcohol has gone done. Pehaps it is just your impression due to different things you added?

I presume you are guessing your alcohol went down because of the taste? I don't think you've lost alcohol. I think your wine is just becoming more balanced and less harsh. The taste perception of the alcohol can differ a lot depending on how the rest of the wine is. For example, I've tasted some wines with 12% alcohol that didn't have much fruit to balance them. They tasted hot and high in alcohol. On the other hand, I've had some big whopper California wines pushing 15-16% alcohol that I could hardly taste the heat of the alcohol. Because there was so much else balancing the alcohol.
What you are experiencing is a mellowing of the wine due to time. Hot. alcohol taste is something that a green wine will have, the more alcohol, the longer it takes to soften that harshness. After 3 months, not a whole lot has actually happened, but the alcohol did not go away, it simply is hidden by the more complex flavors developing in the wine.

That's one of the reasons that when I read posters wanting to make 15% or 17% alcohol and drink it in 3 months, I cringe...that will taste like tequila with grape juice in it! 13% or so and a year, now that's wine!
I have the starting/ending SG written down somewhere, but I do remember the numbers were exactly to spec. My suspicion regarding the alcohol has to do with having 2 big glasses of it last night, and developing only the most barely perceptible buzz. Unless I just grew another lobe of my liver, I suspect the alcohol is a bit down compered with where I started.

Tastes great, though! Wish I'd put in a bit more tannin.
There'd be no easy way to remove large amounts of alcohol from the wine without essentially ruining it. You would have a noticeable decrease in volume, as well. Adding tannins and oak will not decrease your alcohol content. As far as the flavor is concerned, the only thing that has changed is your perception of the alcohol in the wine. The wine's chemistry has created other compounds that affect your sense of taste and smell.

Keep in mind that you cannot really assume that the alcohol content must be lower because you did not get quite as much of a 'buzz' as a previous time you drank it. That's highly dependent on other factors.
I have noticed in my wines that the alcohol forward taste early on is common and that it fades into the background as the wine ages. If I was you I would try drinking three glasses next time and see what happens ;)

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