Eaten Alive!

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Jul 7, 2009
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Northern Nuevo Mexico
Premiers tomorrow night on The Discovery Channel. Our oldest daughter is the lead editor on this 2 hour special. Should be interesting!

Nice Mike...
I've been waiting for this program and can't wait to watch tonight.
I don't have cable any longer, but I'm going to track this down!
I'm just wondering why? And what did they do to get him out?
LOL That is what Twitter went crazy with last night. Discovery Channel hyped the heck out of this show and had the guy on all the morning talk shows etc and they titled the show Eaten Alive but the guy bails at the end and doesn't get even close to being eaten alive..... He did probably come close to getting crushed by the snake more than anything. The snake was just not big enough in the end.

I have to say that the editing was however BRILLIANT! :sm
I figured it would be all hype, so I taped it thinking I'd just fast forward to the end. I ended up watching a little of it last night. I'm no expert, but I did think the editing was quite good.

Discovery is losing a lot of credibility, IMHO. Shows like this are becoming quite common with them and it is getting a little old. Hype, hype, hype, followed by nothing close to what was advertised. Another good example was the Megalodon show they did during shark week. Baaaaaad...

The best part of the show was actually the hunt for a ginormous Anaconda or the first 1.75 hours of the show. Even I was saying WTF when they just gave up and brought in the "stand in Anaconda" at the end! :)

My daughter has nothing to do with the production of these shows. She just cuts them until they shine from all angles as best as possible. I really liked the drone shots from high above in the Amazon. The black Piranha's were also pretty cool as well as the whole struggle to capture a giant Anaconda.
I lost 2 previous hours watching that show, kids almost missed school bus this morning

The best part of the show was actually the hunt for a ginormous Anaconda or the first 1.75 hours of the show.

Exactly! Well, those were the parts that I saw at least. The Megalodon show was similar - 2 hours of looking for it, only to find out that they really weren't sure it even existed. :re

Understand about the editing vs. shooting/production. I really do think the editing was very good. So please pass that along.
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LOL my wife and I were ROTFL most of the day reading some of those Tweets. There were some very very funny ones for sure. Talked with our daughter a bit last night. It's all about the numbers (from Discovery's standpoint) which were very good/excellent. She is already several weeks into a new show. She is a freelance editor so she bumps around from place to place, show to show. Lots of work and our head spins when she talks compensation. Crazy money out there in LALA land.