Dried Elderberry Sale

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Apr 1, 2013
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For yall who dabble in some elder wine, just thought to put it out there that MountainRoseHerbs.com is putting on a September 20% off sale on 1Lb bags of Dried Elderberry = $10.00 / pound.
Wow, that's even better than my source which I thought was cheap! iHerb.com
I'm pondering utilizing 4 Lbs dried for a 10 gallon ferment. I think it should turn out a middle-of-the-road batch in terms of boldness.
quick question, when using the dried fruit, does it still leave the green nasty residue common to elderberry fermentation?

we have tons of elderberry here in south Louisiana. in my area it's the common "weed" that grows everywheres. can't deal with that nasty green goo on everything so I shy away from elderberry wine
Its easily cleaned with vegetable oil followed by warm soap and water. Or, dedicate a primary just for elderberries. A little cleanup shouldnt distract you away from such a wonderful wine. We have tips on our webpage about picking and sorting to get the highest levels of ripe fruit that lessons the amount of green goo. Some dried ones can also give off a goo if you press the fermentation bags to hard or press them. WVMJ
I have never gotten the goo from dried elderberries, but it may happen yet. In either case, I would say don't let it dissuade you from making what is probably the best fruit wine I've ever tasted.
I got a price break ordering in bulk to replace this years lost crop! WVMJ

For yall who dabble in some elder wine, just thought to put it out there that MountainRoseHerbs.com is putting on a September 20% off sale on 1Lb bags of Dried Elderberry = $10.00 / pound.
How much did you have to order? My wife and I have decided to move and are thinking that the elder berry wine is about to become our house wine (currently it's a Spanish Grenache that we buy by the case) and then in one fell swoop lower our spending considerably. I'm thinking buying it in bulk would be a good thing for us too!
I was kidding Downwards, I only ordered enough for adding to 4 batches I am teaching someone else to make at home so they have the experience of using dried elderberries. WVMJ
Where did you order the dried elderberries? My wifeliness elderberry wine but I can't get a hold of any. I thought about buying the eldrberry concentrate from home winery but wasn't sure how good they would be.
Oh..... Sorry. I must have missed it. Thanks a lot. Has anyone tried the concentrate fro home winery?
If you freeze the fresh berries and then steam juice them you don't have to deal with the green goo !!!!
