Dragon blood wine

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Dec 5, 2014
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. I'm only doing 3gal so I can taste it b4 I make larger amounts. This is where I am so far. I tasted the wine from what was leftover after filling 3gal Carboy. If was very watery and potent very little fruity flavor.
First is this normal so far and once I add the sugar and bottle for a few months should the fruity flavors from the fruit come forward and taste sweet from the sugar while being less potent.

Should anything be changed/added or start over. Thanks for your help and opinions.

3gallons dragons blood.

25oz realemon juice

12 cups white sugar

1.082 Temp 178

1/2 tsp. Tannin
1 1/2 tsp. Yeast nutrient
1/2 tsp. Yeast energizer
1 1/2 tsp. Pectin enzyme

Up to 3 gallon mark of water

3lbs of frozen berry blend and lil extra fresh mixed berries

EC-1118 Yeast

1 1/2 weeks later .996- transferred to Carboy added 1/4potassium metabisulphate/1 1/2sorbate and then bentonite.

Degassed like it stole something

Today added super kleer K.C.

Any and all input is needed.
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