dragon blood clearing?

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Junior Member
Oct 14, 2012
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I will be racking dragon blood with in the next two days.
I don' have any Sparkalloid, but I do have bentonite.
Would I be able to use the bentonite instead of the Sparkalloid?
Or should I just go and get the Sparkalloid?
how quick do you want to drink it? I would get the sparkolloid or let time do it.
Ah, now you're in a hurry? LOL! ;)

I've never tried adding bentonite after primary fermentation (with the Dragon Blood). In my bentonite/sparkolloid study, I concluded that the bentonite wasn't necessary for quick clearing, and actually hindered quick drinking. The sparkolloid works wonders. Go get some!
I rack into carboy at sg 1.010 now sg .990 .
I still see bubbles in carboy and air lock .
Should I Waite until no more active?
I did not add anything at all , no sorbate or anything.
Should I stop fermentation and add sorbate and sparkalod?
I've read and now know, that you should not attempt to stop fermentation. If you are seeing bubbles, then you still have an active fermentation going on. Just wait until there are no more bubbles. Or if you have a hydrometer you should check the SG of wine for three consecutive days in a row. If the SG stays constant/the same, than it's safe to say that fermentation has ended.
Like btom said, let it finish. You are now in secondary fermentation, it seems. Check the SG today and tomorrow. If it's at 0.990, like btom said, you may proceed. I have proceeded, a few times, with fining and degassing as soon as the SG went below 1.000, but that's risky. Better safe than to have bottles blowing corks and wine all over the place later on.
It is still at 0.990. I think I am going to Waite until next weekend to rack again, then add sorbate and sparkolloid.
Do I back sweeten then too?
I do have about 1/2 inch. of muck on the bottom, I think it should clear quite nicely, after I rack and add the additives.
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let me tell you that this Sparkalloid works wonders..!!

I bought the super-klear which comes with the other small Chitosan package.

I tried this on my red and it was clear the next day.

It is still at 0.990. I think I am going to Waite until next weekend to rack again, then add sorbate and sparkolloid.
Do I back sweeten then too?
I do have about 1/2 inch. of muck on the bottom, I think it should clear quite nicely, after I rack and add the additives.

Yes, sparkolloid is my friend!

mudman: In my recipe, I give it---at the least---a week after adding the sparkolloid to drop most of it's lees. I then rack, backsweeten, and give it at least another week (to see if it drops more) before bottling. It approaches awesome after a week in the bottle and peeks around three to six months. The six month old Dragon Blood (which rarely happens) is to die for! :r
Man was this stuff clear. I did use the sparkolloid . My wife even said how pretty the color was.
Now I backed sweeten it is a Little cloudy, is this normal?
I only used 3.5 cups of sugar. I think I am going to add a concentrate of a berry blend to sweeten a little more.
Now I did add 1/2 bottle of raspberry extract when I rack from primary into carboy to get little more berry flavor.
The extract was left over from a 2 galon batch of raspberry I did. (always 5 galon batch from now on lol.)
Did you add the sugar in granulated form or was the three and a half cups made into a simple syrup? If not a syrup, that would explain the cloudiness.
syrup. Not real cloudy just not as clear as before I racked and back sweeten
I will let it set for another week and see.
I'll post some pics soon
It cleared up nice
Had to start another batch today
I only have two bottles left
Family and friends keep asking for more.
I bottled 12-05
All my dragon Blood disappeared !!! 6 gallons went fast,getting started to build up for summer!!!
Do you need to add both bottles of lemon juice? If you only add one what will happen?
I think adding a lot of lemon juice will add too much acidity to the final product