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Senior Member
Sep 14, 2012
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I made a Blueberry/Banana wine December 2012, aged in a carboy until December 2013 when I bottled it. I let it age another 6 months in the bottle and tried it June of 2014, it was terrible. I made a resolution to never make it again but left the remaining bottles in my cellar. I decided to give it another try tonight, I can't believe it is the same wine. It has improved so much I might even try it again sometime, apparently Blueberry/Banana takes 2 years to come around.
Yea, it's weird. I have made some wine and found it to be bad and kinda just ignored it, hoping it would go away. Try it some months later and found it to be very good.
I've had several do this to me. One was a black raspberry. Very acidic, after a year and a half I opened a bottle and it's very good.
I feel the same way about choke cherry, I think it doesn't start coming around until at least 1 1/2 years, or more.
Bitter plum

A few months back I dumped 3 gal of 1.5 year old wild plum wine which was far too bitter to drink and showed no sign of improvement.

Last weekend I found an extra bottle in the fridge. Wouldn't you know it...clear as a bell, no bitterness...just awesome wine. Very sad that I dumped that 3 gal batch.
Sort of what I did here, I made a note in June 2014 to try it again after the first of the year.