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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
DC Suburbs
Last week, I carefully foiled 2.5 cases of bottles and placed Aglianico labels on them, before gently storing them away for a bit. This wine had been skillfully crafted over 10 months - a 2015 limited release that I was very excited about. I smiled as I walked back up from the basement, knowing that in a few months, I just might sneak a bottle to see how it is doing. Just now, it occurred to me that the wine in those bottles was actually the LR Super Tuscan. :slp :ft
Jim, sorry about that. As I get older my mind goes on autopilot more and sometimes I look back and say what did I just do.....
Doh indeed.

I am always careful in trying to keep things straight, but stumble at times too!

Not a big deal, just paste a new label over the incorrect one, order/print new labels, and bottle the good stuff. No one will ever know and you will now have TWO different wines to look forward to!
Last week, I carefully foiled 2.5 cases of bottles and placed Aglianico labels on them, before gently storing them away for a bit. This wine had been skillfully crafted over 10 months - a 2015 limited release that I was very excited about. I smiled as I walked back up from the basement, knowing that in a few months, I just might sneak a bottle to see how it is doing. Just now, it occurred to me that the wine in those bottles was actually the LR Super Tuscan. :slp :ft

While this may have been a mistake, you can sleep at night knowing you were at least politically correct. We are not suppose to label....that is called stereotyping and is just not politically correct!

I would leave a few with the wrong labels for those snotty wineo friends...just to see if they really know what they are talking about! But, I am an a$$.
Just slap a new label on top of the old one. No big deal. A winery I visited in Oregon last year give 15% off on bottles with ugly labels. People snatch them up like hot cakes.
As a Catholic, I don't think the Anglican would mind being labeled a Super Tuscan.
My first attempt at labels led to a similar end. I labeled a peach apricot chard "peach mango." No one noticed.

If I'm a betting man, you'll be soaking the old labels off and relabeling them this weekend.