RJ Spagnols Does the RJS EP Sauvignon Blanc drop wine crystals

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I just bottled my Petite Syrah which was from grapes and bulk aged in my wine room which stays around 70* all year round due to having the furnace in there and when I got near the bottom discovered it had dropped quite a bot f diamonds in there which I was surprised due to those warmer temps. So obviously it doesnt require cold temps although I know it surely helps it drop out much faster.
I just finished bottling my first RJS EP New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. It has been in bulk aging for six months and I hope to let it age another three months in bottle. I say "I hope" because it is so good, I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep my hands off of it that long. Fortunately, I ran out of bottles and corks before I ran out of wine, so I poured what remained in a pitcher and put it in the refrigerater to chill! :h Since I don't anticipate this lasting more than a year, I added the metatartaric acid just before bottling to prevent the formation of wine diamonds. If this is an example of the RJS EP line of wines, I'm definitely going to be making a lot more.
OH! I remember what Mike (Ibglowin) always says: "Pictures, or it never happened!" ;) Well, I used the labels that came with it rather than my "Freudian Slip Wines" label because my wife liked these better. And since I made it especially for her, she got to choose!

EP New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc 6-23-12.JPG

EP New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc 6-23-12_01.JPG
Missed it by that much!

As Maxwell Smart used to say!


Those look fantastic! How did it taste at bottling?

I ordered that kit last Fall and I got "Aussie" Sauv Blanc...... Not the same. There is no more RJS EP New Zealand Sauv Blanc. :(

Its just about ready to bottle. High hopes for it as it is still an EP Kit.

Keep us posted as it develops! :br
Mike, at bottling I ran out of bottles and corks before I ran out of wine (drat!! :dg). So, I poured the rest (about half a bottle) in a pitcher, covered it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator to cool. I drank a little each day for three days to see how it changed as it oxiginated (is that a word?). Anyway . . . On the nose it had pronounced notes of what I have come to identify as the benchmark for New Zealand Sauv Blanc, grapefruit and fresh mown grass. This never changed. On the pallet, it began at bottling with a touch of bitterness that worried me. But after chilling for several hours that disappeared completely and what was left was fruity, crisp, with a perfect level of acid. I'm imagining that with three more months in the bottle, that initial bitter taste that I got will be gone.

I read somewhere that this kit was supposed to be comparable to the Oyster Bay, 2010. So, I had bought a couple of bottles to see what I might expect. Well, I had already finished those off, so couldn't do a side-by-side tasting, but in a couple of months I may buy another bottle and do exactly that. Frankly, from what I remember, they will be pretty darn close. Too bad RJS has taken the Zew Zealand Sauv Blanc our of their line-up. But I think I will try it in the 16 liter Cru Select version.
I saw that one as well and almost pulled the trigger. If you do get one I would love to know your thoughts compared to the EP. I ended up getting the 18L CC LR Sauv Blanc-Semillion-Chardonnay. Should be a good one!