Does Sorbate Affect Flavor

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Sep 20, 2010
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I back sweetened my wine and I added sorbate (1 tsp/gallon). Does SOrbate affect the taste? I made some peach wine last year and it has the same taste as this kit I just finished.:?
I have heard some say they can taste it but I personally can't tell the difference.
I haven't tasted it, but the word is that sorbate in high levels will give your wine a "bubble gum" kind of taste.
Some people can taste sorbate (like me) and others can't. I think it taste/smells like bubble gum, the kind you chewed when you were a kid.

It will fade in time but it will take months to fade away if you are sensitive to it.
Sorbate taste, if you can taste it, is less noticeable if the wine is back sweetened, than in a dry wine.

Just don't add more than the directions say.
I back sweetened my wine and I added sorbate (1 tsp/gallon). Does SOrbate affect the taste? ... QUOTE]

At recommended dosage, not likely -- btw, recommended dosage is 1/2-tsp per gallon.
I can taste it, but there is no need to add to a dry red that you are not going to backsweetin. REALLY, if there is no residuaal sugar in wine(dry) there is no need to sorbate the wine
I am guessing the taste is not sorbatge since it does not taste like bubble gum.