Do you make wines that you like or what you think others will like?

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Apr 18, 2014
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Sierra Foothills, Nor Cal
I did 5 gallons of a second run Cab Sauv this year. Not sure why I did, as I have too much wine already. (Ok, the truth is I like to make wine and it was close to free to do).
I do not like any residual sugar (RS) in my wine. I can pick it out a mile away when I’m drinking a glass. However, of the people that drink my wine, I know they would like a wine with some RS. So, today I back-sweetened my second run Cab with 1% RS. It’s the only wine in the winery that did not go through mlf. I think it will be a hit this summer. IMG_1381.jpg
Currently I only make the wine I like.

But would leave open the possibility, and remain agile enough, to consider fulfilling requests if feasible within my wine making philosophy.
Generally a dry red drinker, but I do like other styles as well. I make what I like, but that kind of ends up being a little bit of everything.
I think I'm running on a 4:1... since I'm the one who drinks most of it, I'll do four batches of wine that I prefer (and everyone else likes and will drink) to one batch that I don't care for, but know someone else in the house enjoys.
I make what ever strikes my fancy. Mostly fruit wines and a occasional kit. Also have done one
juice bucket ( A pino grigio ) this fall.

I have made what I think I might like to drink. Made a VERY nice Peach Chardonnay and the word got out that Don makes good wine. Everyone visits and wants a bottle or two, maybe three. They are lucky to get one.
So I guess I make what I like to drink and if someone else get an occasional bottle so be it.
I have made what I think I might like to drink.

I feel the same as Donatelo, I make what I think I like to drink. I posted in another thread that I'm as new to wine drinking as I am to wine making so I really don't know what all I like. To be honest I think I enjoy making it more then drinking it. With the 60 I have bottled I probably used 10 for topping off, drank less then 10 and gave away over 20. My cubbard is getting bare although I have 19 gallons ready to bolltle in a couple months. So I guess I fit in both categories. I really do enjoy gifting my wine.
I used to make only stuff for others...but I hate anything sweet

now I alternate..i make a sweet, then a dry...

I do the same thing for beer...I make imperial stout for me and my wife, and pilsner for everyone else

the bench
I primarily make wines that i like or beleive that I am going to like.
And I find myself in the minority prefering a less dry to sweet depending on the occasion or pairing.
However as time goes on and I expose myself to the limitless varieties, I find myself trying to end up with what I beleive the wine traditionaly should be. which would mean a product others would like.
I also am begining to appreciate the dryer verieties as I continue to expose myselfe to them.
So my simple answer is I try to make good tasting wine, that can be enjoyed by all, sence theres no possibility of drinking this all myself.
I will not make something I know I won't drink. Luckily the wife and I have similar tastes in wine.
For reds, I stick to what I like, which is dry. I don't envision ever sweetening any of my reds.

Whites are a different manner. I like dry whites too, however, all my grapes are french/american hybrids that tend to be high in acids. The whites typically need sweetening to balance that acidity. I have also found that sweet white wines tend to be popular with my female guests, so we always try to have some of those on hand. :)

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