do I use this?

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Jan 17, 2009
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I have a fast flow filler, never have used it. You should try and see what you like best, I bottle out of the hose using the clamp to stop flow, just my habit from the beginning. Whatever you like best, and find easiest for you is what you should use!
I use the second "bottle filler" It works well. I have not used the first for the same reason that you are concerned with.
The small filler works just fine, you just have to be on your toes while filling to avoid spillovers. They work very well but can make a mess.
The Ferrari also works very well and has the added advantage that it shuts off automatically when the bottle is full.

Use either of them to fill the bottles and you will be happy.
I use this .. Buon Vino Supper Automatic Bottle Filler. It works great. No problems with spilling the wine so, no mess

I have the Ferrari and used it once, but did not like it. I use the spring loaded bottle filler. If I need to step away for a minute I do not need to worry about the overflow you get from the fast flow, which flows whether you are pushing it down or not.
I use the fast flow but you have to stay with it. When the wine gets to the top of the bottle you pull the filler tube out and the head space in the bottle is just right!
I guess I fill by the spigot of the fermenting bucket and eyeball it. It is fun and creates a fun challenge for me. Have never spilled any......yet.
I use the first one and it works well. Minimal spillage and easy to use for a beginner.
Just to clear things up, I did not purchase my kit from The Wine Maker's Toy Store. I did not mean to imply that I did. I wish that I had, but as they say you live and learn.
Jeff D, it is relaxing to fill your wine bottles by the spigot. It is slower but I get great satisfaction out of filling those bottles!!! Looks like you would have a little help there with the 2 munchkins on your lap!!
Uavwmn, we bottled 10 gallon this aftrenoon. It's the 5 year olds job to run the corker, he is quite good at it.