DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

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Racked a double batch of Quad-Berry into secondary today. I must have miscalculated some because I ended up with 12.5 gallons... not complaining.

I'm really kinda sad about my blackberry batch. I didn't split the batch into 2x 3 gallon primaries and one didn't finish as quickly as the other. When I smelled it today It was kinda foul, so I ended up trashing 3 gallons. Pity, but at least it wasn't a full batch or anything expensive.
I'm sure it will be yummy! I can't wait to start another batch - probably on Sunday. 2 bananas, peeled added to the fruit at the beginning, right?


Yes that's what I do.., the bananas don't add much in the way of flavour and let us know if you don't find a difference in mouthfeel or body... It's just the impression I get in my experience vs. what some others have shared.

Racked a double batch of Quad-Berry into secondary today. I must have miscalculated some because I ended up with 12.5 gallons... not complaining.

I'm really kinda sad about my blackberry batch. I didn't split the batch into 2x 3 gallon primaries and one didn't finish as quickly as the other. When I smelled it today It was kinda foul, so I ended up trashing 3 gallons. Pity, but at least it wasn't a full batch or anything expensive.

12.5 gals wowee! Did u use that big blue fermenter u got? What happened with the blackberry? You had one batch waiting for the other one to finish and it went bad?

Oh and Rosa, I want to see pics of that jet blue when it's finally bottled! Want to see the colour!


You got it!!! I have lots of berries, and decided to use 9lbs up front for more fruit flavor and color. l will probably wind up settling in at double the fruit, but I thought I'd give 1.5 times the fruit a shot first! ;-)
Sounds great! I'm working on a blueberry peach port style right now that's in the clearing stage I'll post it at some point once it's bottled.

Day three and my first batch has started cooking. Had the brew belt on overnight. Temp was 80F earlier this AM when I went to squeeze and stir. The belt was unplugged and a towel draped over and around the bucket, maybe lost a degree in the last ~3.5 hours. fermentation seems to keep the temp up there.

Was the yeast nutrient and energizer really needed for the EC-118 or is that included in the recipe just for caution/insurance?
12.5 gals wowee! Did u use that big blue fermenter u got? What happened with the blackberry? You had one batch waiting for the other one to finish and it went bad?


Yes I used the big blue one and it was perfect! I'm going to have to buy at least 1 more.

What happened with the blackberry was since I didn't have a primary any larger than 5 gallons, I was splitting my batches into 2 separate buckets. One bucket went fine and fermented to dry in 8 days. It was slower than most but still acceptable. The 2nd half of the batch in the other bucket just refused to go dry. It took 13 days, and I figure it got too oxidized.

I'm not going to cry over it.
Day three and my first batch has started cooking. Had the brew belt on overnight. Temp was 80F earlier this AM when I went to squeeze and stir. The belt was unplugged and a towel draped over and around the bucket, maybe lost a degree in the last ~3.5 hours. fermentation seems to keep the temp up there.

Was the yeast nutrient and energizer really needed for the EC-118 or is that included in the recipe just for caution/insurance?

I have noticed a few times that fermenting slows when it is in need of its dose of nutrient...
Yes I used the big blue one and it was perfect! I'm going to have to buy at least 1 more.

What happened with the blackberry was since I didn't have a primary any larger than 5 gallons, I was splitting my batches into 2 separate buckets. One bucket went fine and fermented to dry in 8 days. It was slower than most but still acceptable. The 2nd half of the batch in the other bucket just refused to go dry. It took 13 days, and I figure it got too oxidized.

I'm not going to cry over it.

At least it was only half a batch...
Day three and my first batch has started cooking. Had the brew belt on overnight. Temp was 80F earlier this AM when I went to squeeze and stir. The belt was unplugged and a towel draped over and around the bucket, maybe lost a degree in the last ~3.5 hours. fermentation seems to keep the temp up there.

Was the yeast nutrient and energizer really needed for the EC-118 or is that included in the recipe just for caution/insurance?

I'm a bit surprised... Temperature is only down 2 degrees from this morning's 80F when the brew belt was unplugged. Ambient temp in the kitchen has been 68F. Will plug it back in before going to bed - when we turn the house thermostat down.
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Question..... how much sugar is everyone adding?
This is only my 2nd batch of DB/SP....first batch I got to 1.086 and this batch was at 1.090 SG at the start. Both times I had to add a 10lb bag of sugar and THEN 3-4 cups on top of it...I'm mixing it completely and making sure there are no more sugar crystals in the liquid, but that is about 23 - 24 cups of sugar.... Does that seem right? Is that comparable to what others are adding?

I know the recipe calls for 20 cups of sugar. I guess what I'm really asking is: Are other people getting about 20 cups out of a 10lb bag? Someone posted a calculation for the cups of sugar in a 5lb bag and it would have left 3 cups unused in a 10lb bag, but I'm just not finding that to be the case. Thoughts???
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Rosa, the 2o cups of sugars is more of a guide line then anything else..
The sugar should be added to get to your target sg, not per say cups per.
Some triple berry blends will be sweeter then others, depending on the ratio of fruit and the time of ripeness.
Lets say, your target sg is 1.095, then for one batch you may use 20 cups, but on another you may have to add 22, and then another you may only use 18.
Add sugar until you get to targeted sg.
I like mine hot, so i add sugar to get to 1.110.on every batch.
Question..... how much sugar is everyone adding?
This is only my 2nd batch of DB/SP....first batch I got to 1.086 and this batch was at 1.090 SG at the start. Both times I had to add a 10lb bag of sugar and THEN 3-4 cups on top of it...I'm mixing it completely and making sure there are no more sugar crystals in the liquid, but that is about 23 - 24 cups of sugar.... Does that seem right? Is that comparable to what others are adding?

I know the recipe calls for 20 cups of sugar. I guess what I'm really asking is: Are other people getting about 20 cups out of a 10lb bag? Someone posted a calculation for the cups of sugar in a 5lb bag and it would have left 3 cups unused in a 10lb bag, but I'm just not finding that to be the case. Thoughts???

I added what I needed to get to the 1.075 that is in the DB recipe. For me that was right around 23 cups. I couldn't find 3 pounds bags of triple berry so I wound up with the quad berry. Maybe that is why my lower SG for the same 23 cups? Seems to fall in line with what James posted.
I made 3 batches-- 2 with triple berry and 1 with tropical and all used 10 pounds plus at least 4 cups. From now on I'm just starting with the 10 pounds and adding from there.

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I added what I needed to get to the 1.075 that is in the DB recipe. For me that was right around 23 cups. I couldn't find 3 pounds bags of triple berry so I wound up with the quad berry. Maybe that is why my lower SG for the same 23 cups? Seems to fall in line with what James posted.

No, I think James was just giving the example if using the 20 cups not insinuating that triple berry takes less sugar in the recipe than quad berry. The only difference between the two is that quad berry has strawberries. He was simply saying not to worry about how many cups you are adding because it could be different every time. So just say add your 10lb bag and take your SG reading and adjust from there... Correct me if I'm wrong James?

Rosa, the 2o cups of sugars is more of a guide line then anything else..
The sugar should be added to get to your target sg, not per say cups per.
Some triple berry blends will be sweeter then others, depending on the ratio of fruit and the time of ripeness.
Lets say, your target sg is 1.095, then for one batch you may use 20 cups, but on another you may have to add 22, and then another you may only use 18.
Add sugar until you get to targeted sg.
I like mine hot, so i add sugar to get to 1.110.on every batch.

Thanks everyone!!!
Am I possibly making another novice mistake?
I printed the recipe and have been following it.... Or so I thought! hehe
As per the recipe, you add the lemon juice, water, sugar, and test for SG.
I did notice that with that much sugar (24cups) & fruit (9lbs) I'm above 6gallons when all is said and done. BUT...... I only tested SG when it seafood to on the recipe (after the sugar) not after the fruit was added...... Was that wrong?

And should I have taken some water out to compensate for more fruit?

Rosa that's ok you're above the 6 gallon mark because of all the fruit. Once you're done fermenting as the fruit is taken out and you rack off the gross lees you'll lose a lot.

And you weren't following it wrong. The recipe says careful how much you drive the SG up at this point because the fruit will increase the SG a bit. Maybe it should be clarified to say to take your SG reading again in 24 hrs after the fruit was added to recheck SG and adjust as desired.

If you are over the 6 gal. mark, that is not problem as this will leave you some extra to top off with. When I made my first batch, I stuck exactly to the gallon mark and then was short when topping off.
Any batch of wine I make now I always make a little extra for topping off.........plus, you are going to lose some of that volume when the sediment drops in the primary and then secondary.
As james stated, be more concerned with your SG.
I agree with Wineforfun I always make more so I have top up. Like 1/2 or 1 gallon extra in primary.
