cute holiday idea for those with lil ones at home...

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Mad Scientist
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
a friend of mine told me the other day about a website where you can create a short, personalize video message from santa, for your little ones... answering a series of questions about your child, a video message from santa is generated, and sent to the email addy of your choice....i did it last night for my little ones and thought it was pretty cool....can't wait to show the messages to them today when i get if any of you have any little ones that still believe in santa, this could be one of those way to continue to foster that belief for them, as well as maybe get them to start behaving a bit better, especially if you choose to put them on the naughty it out....
That is awesome. I just sent one to my daughter at Penn State. She's going to freak out. I hope she doesn't delete it as spam before opening it.

Thanks for sharing.
Thanks!! Just made and sent one for my son, being it is probably the last time I can do something like this!!
everyone is welcome....i was more than happy to pass it on, as was done to me.....smilez...