RJ Spagnols Cru Select Vs. Winery Series

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Junior Member
Jun 8, 2014
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Hi All,

Well, just bottled by Cru International Washington Merlot and enjoying it as an early drinker. I'm looking for my next kit and would like it to be a moderate early drinker while I wait for my WS Super Tuscan to Age.

Anyone have experience with the Cru Select series? I'm a little reluctant with these kits because all but two have grape skins, which I understand add a lot of body to a wine.

How do these kits compare to the higher end kits like the Winery Series line that do have grape skins? Do you consider the Cru Select to be an early drinker at bottling or within a month or two of bottling?

Many thanks!!
Both of those RJS categories are 6-week kits. Both instruction sheets have you bottling on ~ day 42 and both instructions sheets say "6. Keep your wine in a temperature-controlled environment (less than 16°C/60°F) out of direct light, for 2-3 months prior to consuming.".

Both categories will benefit from additional aging, bulk and bottle, beyond what is on the instruction sheets.
My notes say that the Winery Series is 18 L (probably 16 L + grape pack) and the Cru Select are 16 L. I can't say that applies to all varieties though. The Cru Select with skin packs seem to cost nearly as much as the Winery Series so I expect they would be comparable, and the ones without skin would be lighter body.