Other Cornucopia 2 kits we love SALE priced on Amazon

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It is a good thing that our cellar has 2 locks or the Coconut Frascati and the Strawberry Merlot would be stolen at night when we sleep!
EVERYONE loves those 2.
I know exactly what you mean...I made two kits for my military retirement party ...... Each kit was front loaded with 6 pounds of sugar with a SG of about1.98... the Fradcati was gone in no time...56 bottles...must admit...it was great party. Now I need to make few kit for next year...l glad it on sale...think I'll buy about 4 kits

I am waiting to hear from others on the coconut Frascati. I am rationing them out even though I have another kit in the cellar to make. Darn good stuff!
Mine still slow fermenting....SG today ~1.016 or so after 5 days fermenting.
my frascati has been going slower. Day 11 and the SG is at .998 and still bubbling away.
Even though the instructions say not to stir, we did stir because it was going to slow.
Me too mine stopped at 1.075 for 3 days so I started stirring then it started moving again getting about .010 points a day
I just placed my order for a Coconut Frascati kit. I'm looking forward to this one, it sounds great.
SammyK. It has definitely became one of our favorites. We put some frozen raspberries and peaches in a pitcher with it and I am not sure what was better, the wine or the fruit after we drank the wine. Have you tried the Blackberry Cab yet. It's another good one.
Hi Shelley,
Are you having any flooding problems down there in NC? My daughter just called to say that lake Norman came over it's banks onto her property.
Does Cornucopia make the Peach Raspberry Sangria kit? I can't find it on Amazon.
reefman said:
Does Cornucopia make the Peach Raspberry Sangria kit? I can't find it on Amazon.

I believe it's only an island mist kit. I am over on the coast so we didn't get any of the flooding. Actually we haven't gotten any rain. It's a shame about lake Norman. We were planning on going fishing there when my husband comes back in a couple weeks. I am not sure if it will be back to normal by then. It's awful what's happening there.

We are in Newton and from what I heard, we made the national news. Don't know because of flooding, no cable, internet, TV, phone or electric power. We are not to far from Lake Norman.

Shelley you do really need to try the Coconut Frascati. I have it under lock and key in the cellar! LOL!
Started a coconut as well ... also going very slow ... made a foamy top but for 3 days no change in SG ... added an extra yeast and it's dropping now ... although still slowly ... wondering if maybe they are on sale because they are getting older? yeast boost seemed to help (oh ... i added just 4 cups of sugar to start with a SG 1.078)

We are in Newton and from what I heard, we made the national news. Don't know because of flooding, no cable, internet, TV, phone or electric power. We are not to far from Lake Norman.
My Daughter lives in Catawba right now, but they just bought a lot on the lake in Iredell. She sent pictures that show the water coming from the lake, over the wall onto their lot. Normally it's a good 3 to 4 feet below the top of the wall. We're going to be visiting them in Sept.
I believe it's only an island mist kit. I am over on the coast so we didn't get any of the flooding. Actually we haven't gotten any rain. It's a shame about lake Norman. We were planning on going fishing there when my husband comes back in a couple weeks. I am not sure if it will be back to normal by then. It's awful what's happening there.
Just found it and it is an Island Mist kit. Thanks, I'm going to order one. We like anything peach.
We don't have a firm date yet, depends on airfares. The wife is looking now. I will let you know when we have a firm date.
Wow, those flood pictures are incredible. Glad you are all safe.
Sammyk said:
Shelley you do really need to try the Coconut Frascati. I have it under lock and key in the cellar! LOL!

I would love to try it because Roy, my Hubby, loves coconut. Unfortunately I tend to break out in hives when around the stuff. :-(
I ordered two but not the coconut or the strawberry. lol. I ordered the Cornucopia Fruit Wine White Peach Sauvignon Blanc and the White Green Apple Pinot Bianco. Im make these little kits for friends and family but have not tried any of Cornucopia kits. Have yu guys tried either of these two. Any tips other then upping the sugar to raise the ABV. I do that anyway With Island Mist I put some of the fruit pack up front and in the end to make its so sweet