Cork Size Question?

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Senior Member
Feb 28, 2009
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I am cleaning bottles to bottle my WE Dolcette later this week.
I have a combination of commercial reclaimed "Tall" 750 Bordeaux, Std 750 Bordeaux, and store bought 375's.
I noted the bottle brush is very tight in the "TALL" 750's. I normally use #9 for 750's and #8 for the 375"s.
Does anyone have any experience or know for sure if the "Tall" 750's have a smaller cork size?
I would hate to get to the bottling part and find I can't get the corks in, or wait 3-4 years down the road and find they will not come out.
Well.... If #9's are not OK in these.... then I'm screwed, because I have been using #9's in mine. haha
ASAI said:
I am cleaning bottles to bottle my WE Dolcette later this week.
I have a combination of commercial reclaimed "Tall" 750 Bordeaux, Std 750 Bordeaux, and store bought 375's.
I noted the bottle brush is very tight in the "TALL" 750's. I normally use #9 for 750's and #8 for the 375"s.
Does anyone have any experience or know for sure if the "Tall" 750's have a smaller cork size?
I would hate to get to the bottling part and find I can't get the corks in, or wait 3-4 years down the road and find they will not come out.
If unsure TRY ONE!

All kidding aside what are you using a hand corker or a floor corker?
I dont use anything but 9 x 175 in all my bottles but Im using a floor corker. I do all sorts and sizes of bottles.
Thanks All. Turns out the variable was not so much tall vs: Std but bottles from one source. I figured out later the ones I was having the real problem with were the set of fancy Armarone bottles I scored.
There may be some problem with my bottle brush, because I don't remember having that much difficulty getting it in and back out of the bottle.
I have a 2 handed corker, and I did cork a bottle of 0ne-Step to make sure.
Update: Bottling went fine. I did not note any extra effort required for inserting the cork; but, did note on the Aramone Bottles the corks "Screamed" during insertion instead of the usual "Swoosh". So, apparently not all bottles are created equal.
Are you bottling wine for Nike now??

That "swoosh" is a trademark, ya know...