CO2 protection

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there's something about banana wine that apeals to me, I guess that's the thing about wine you like something, mix it with sugar and into the
Banana wine has a lot of body. It is nice to blend it with other wines who are lacking (i.e. Strawberry). I've never really oficially blended wines, but I would say a Strawberry-Banana wine with a little more banana than strawberry might make the strawberry part actually good.
I have used banana many time to fortify alot of wines, even in a grape wine it will increase the body and mellow out later where the aromas of the grape will increase. A "hot" item in the backyard!
Man! Don't we all wish we could grow bananas in our backyards. Joe, you are bragging again!
Oops! I guess it's a "trade-off" for not being able to wander about picking up "free" blueberries, and wild grapes, etc. If I had all that here as well, I would probably not buy any kits....Surf's Up!
Oh, you are a mean one! It was, however, 83*F here this past saturday, and we were in shorts. We had a good family day!

Also, the CO2 in the atmosphere seemed very low with a high O2 content, which was nice.

On the flip side, we do have very bad days here as well..especially around 2 am. lately, down to 62 with strong wind and rain...weird
Well, if El Nino gives us 80 degree weather in March, send him up here for a couple of days. I'm sick of the snow.
Todays forcast, 45-50 knot winds, 68-70 degrees, constant rain showers, the sun is up, and so is the surf!
I got pulled into the ocean by the undertow once when I was 6, and it has freaked me out for the rest of my life. I was grabbed by the hair by my sister so I wouldn't float away to sea.

Scary experience, but I have total respect now for all things with water.
Raining and snowing here right now and 30 degrees. Huh-oh.

It is not uncommon to be 80 degrees here in february and very common in march.
The "Hawaiians" have a saying that you learn from early childhood beingexposed to the ocean . And, I think that this would carry around the world regardless of what "sea" your'e at. "Never, ever, face your back to the ocean."
I like to walk in the water and along the beach, but I do not like to get that salt water on my face. I think it is nasty tasting and burns my eyes. It probably takes alot of getting used to for a country boy grown up in the lake and river.
I always love the sting of saltwater in my eyes. It means I'm at the ocean. What can I say? I'm a cancer.
Well I am a cancer too, and a lover of water, but not the salty kind. I'll take my salt on the rim of a glass.
Yes!!! It is also very good for some skin conditions, like psoriasis. It always helps me!