Clearing agent

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Senior Member
Oct 5, 2007
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i have all my other chems. i dont have a clearing agent can i make wine w/o it? Ineed a recipe for six gall. Id prefer a juice recipe.
You can make wines without a clearing agent. They just usually take longer. You don't have to have a clearing agent when you start the wine.
What kind of fruit wine would you like to make?

I use Super Kleer K-C as a clearing agent in our fruit wines...It does a 'super' job. But, you can wait longer and the wines will clear on their own.
I dont have any clearing agent so ill probably let it do its own thing. I want to use juice maybe apple or white grape or pineapple
If you are not going to use a clearing agent that is fine(no pun intended) and actually preferred by most people. It just seems in my case that I always need a carboy even though I have 6-6 gallons, 2-5's and 2-3's. Once you have stabilized and degassed, put it into cooler temps as it will help it clear even faster. I could probably get away with not clearing as i usually bulk age 4-6 months but Ive had 2 that I didnt add clearifier to and those 2 went 4 months and were still hazy so now I add it and then filter it later and end up with a polished wine but I wont filter my reds.
Itll be something off the shelf of my grocer preferbly non-pulpy juice. Which hits a light bulb how hazy will it get with clear liquid. Im guessing from all the moving its going to do? GaaaassseeeWoowee?
I made a batch last year out of Welch's White Grape and Peach that was really a good wine, I thought, to come from frozen concentrate and the juice is so pure, very little sediment. I didn't use any kind of fining on it and it turned out crystal clear. As a matter of fact, I used the same recipe on it that I use on my fresh muscadines, with a little adjustment for S.G. One thing I did find, having made a couple of different batches with the frozen concentrate....sometimes they can take a few days to start fermentation. Could have something to do with preservatives trying to kill the yeast, but that's just a guess on my part. I'm sure many here could comment on that.
Yes, there is pot meta at small doses in a lot of the frozen concentrates so dont add any additional when starting fermentation.