cleared in primary?

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Senior Member
May 26, 2012
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So I made a 1 gal batch from orange concentrate following some recipe I found. The weird thing is, it was crystal clear in 5 days while it was still in primary. is this common with concentrates? Here's a pix of it on day 5.

has anyone else ever made this? Well guess ill just leave it to sit for a while. Hope it turns out. A friends told me he made it once with good results so I'm eager to taste it.
what was your sg and what is it now? i could have fermented dry in 5 days.
We did this one alot weaker being unaware of how it will taste. Started at 1.060 and fermented dry to .994. But I've had a few ferment dry in 5 days but nothing ever comes out this clear. If no sediment falls then is there any need for racking?
By your pic, the wine really isn't clear, it is cloudy and it looks like there is sediment on the bottom of the jug. Let it sit for another two weeks and see how it looks then.
It looks more clear in person and I checked this morning and still no sediment on the bottom. Sorry, bad picture. Maybe this one is better...


Sorry, pics are from my phone
how many times have you racked this? Yes it is clear but it is not crystal clear. I can see the sediment that is still in it.
keena said:
It looks more clear in person and I checked this morning and still no sediment on the bottom. Sorry, bad picture. Maybe this one is better...

Sorry, pics are from my phone

Where I live we use to have a harsh summer, I had a couple of batches that fermented out realy fast due to the temperature, but only assuming... Also if its from concentrate I don't believe that there will be that much sediment as if you were using the real thing....

Just for my curiosity in the last pic you sent what is that white stuff ?
Julie said:
how many times have you racked this? Yes it is clear but it is not crystal clear. I can see the sediment that is still in it.

This is 20 sec after I siphoned it out of the fermentation bucket.

juventude said:
Where I live we use to have a harsh summer, I had a couple of batches that fermented out realy fast due to the temperature, but only assuming... Also if its from concentrate I don't believe that there will be that much sediment as if you were using the real thing....

Just for my curiosity in the last pic you sent what is that white stuff ?

I also did a few other batches from concentrate but they all had an inch or so of sediment on the bottom. Hmmm. We will see with time I guess.

The white stuff.... Yea that is an attempt at skeeterpee... Got a gallon of it separated so we can experiment with adding raspberry flavoring to it. Was really worried I messed up that day. Stirred sediment up to make sure it finished fermenting and it looked gross.. But after sparkolloid it is starting to look really good, and smells even better. Fingers crossed.

I'll try to take a better picture of the orange wine tonight after work and see what it looks like now that its been a few days since that picture was taken. (ill get the skeeterpee in the picture a well)
Ive sen 1 gallon batches ferment dry in 2 days so this isnt really out of the ordinary especially with a lower starting sg like that. It will clear more once degassed some.
Wade E said:
Ive sen 1 gallon batches ferment dry in 2 days so this isnt really out of the ordinary especially with a lower starting sg like that. It will clear more once degassed some.

Ok thanks wade. Being new I was just under the impression that all wines fermented into an ugly cloud before clearing. Was worried I did something wrong and was gunna end up with a vinegar flavor or something crazy.
Here's a couple pics of the orange wine. Its pretty clear it seems like. I put some paper behind it to help show.

