cherry wine

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1# is not enough

How many gallons you making.
How many #'s of cherries you use
You just want to simmer till the fruit gets mushy
for a f=pac you want to use 25-30% of the amount you used in the primary. So if you used 18# X 30% = 5#'s for f-pac
i think i cooked the first #1 too long

im doing it again

the wine is from 18# of cherries...came out to only 2 gals of wine.
Don't "cook" them SIMMER them as they simmer mash them. Then put them thru a kitchen strainer and add the rest of the 5# bag cooking down.

the first # didnt make more than a 1/4 cup....second 1.5# brought it up to 1 cup

should have 2 cups when done.

after you like the "taste" you might want to add simple syrup.
ok...i put the whole 2.5 cups in from what i "simmered" down.

it tastes pretty good.

its in a 3gal carboy, but only comes up to the third line on the grid pattern on the carboy. so its looks like about 1 gal short from being topped up.

will it be ok to clear it from here
or i was thinking of topping it up with about a gal of some merlot that came out pretty good, but not my favorite.....then i would have about 2/3 cherry and 1/3 merlot? thoughts?

add simple syrup now or right before bottling?
how much per gal estimate?
i like the taste but im always up for sweeter wine.
ryangws said:
ok...i put the whole 2.5 cups in from what i "simmered" down.

it tastes pretty good.

its in a 3gal carboy, but only comes up to the third line on the grid pattern on the carboy. so its looks like about 1 gal short from being topped up.

will it be ok to clear it from here
or i was thinking of topping it up with about a gal of some merlot that came out pretty good, but not my favorite.....then i would have about 2/3 cherry and 1/3 merlot? thoughts?

add simple syrup now or right before bottling?
how much per gal estimate?
i like the taste but im always up for sweeter wine.
Now you can add clearing agents
Wait a week before adding simple syrup. Watch it start to clear.
Can you rack into 1 gallon jugs (after adding clearing agent and maybe a 1.5 ltr instead of adding the merlot?
I make simple syrup by using a spaghetti sauce jar. Fill it all the way with sugar and figure out 1/2 for the water (my jars are 28oz so figure 13 oz water). You may need to add the whole syrup if you like sweetness.
I dontlike that mix w/merlot