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Mike, ascorbic acid does not hinder fermentation at all. This is why I use it instead of or with sulfites prefermentation.
Apple fermented with honey is called Mead or really Cyser which is apple mead and I have some on ky shepf as we speak and its awesome!!!
no matter what it's called it's still really good lol
I know it does not hinder fermentation, was going to use it to help prevent oxidation. I always step feed the honey. Sugar is not in the finished wine. Yeast convert it to CO2 and alcohol. Using sugar does not really matter because it is not there when your done. Remember you are taking the white sugar and converting it to simple sugar then the yeast convert it again. It is long gone. Honey and apple make a great combo
Thanks to everyone that offered the experience. I will pass your ideas along and she can decide what she wants to do..

There is always the amateur home winemakers centrifuge.......


Ha ha, that doesn't look amateur to me lol
