Chef learning to make wine

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Sep 4, 2010
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Hello my name's Kasey and I'm still pretty new to wine making. I am currently a Chef at a 5 star resort so I knwo the food side. I have also worked teaching classes on wine in the past, but just recently got into making my own. I'm sure I will have tons of questions in the future and if anybody has any food questions for me I'd be happy to help out!
Welcome, are you planning on making them from kits, fruit or grapes which I know are fruits but we usually seperate the 2 when talking about making wine.
Honestly I plan on making them from both. So far I've made 2 batches of apple wine. A Batch of Peach wine and one Kit wine. I'm planning on starting 2-3 more wine kits in the next month, and whenever I can get a good deal on fruit, or a nice neighbor or friend who has extra wants to share some I will make wines out of fruit... I've also looked into shipping wine grapes in, either fresh or frozen, but I want to practice a little more before I do that.
Welcome !
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Hi kdubler

Glad to hear you are starting on making wine, and I will probably take you up on your help on asking about food.

Welcome to winemakingtalk
welcome here,
being in the food business you should have access to order all the fruits you want at a much more reasonable price than what most of us have to pay, that is except the ones who go out and collect thier own. I have been trying to get some of those food vendors to sell to an individual but the ones that do of course up the price from what they sell to the food stores.
Luckily with my job I am able to purchse any fruit at quite a large discount, but I have to figure out what to make! So far I've been lucky enough to know a lot of people willing to donate fruit, but That season is almost over... Any suggestions on a must have fruit wine recipe? Or even any must drink kit wines... I'm hoping to get 4-5 going within the next month or 2...
Luckily with my job I am able to purchse any fruit at quite a large discount, but I have to figure out what to make! So far I've been lucky enough to know a lot of people willing to donate fruit, but That season is almost over... Any suggestions on a must have fruit wine recipe? Or even any must drink kit wines... I'm hoping to get 4-5 going within the next month or 2...

I say start with a Strawberry. You can get them most of the year. If not fresh use the frozen. Both make a great wine.
I have 2 batches going on now...
Hi Kasey,
I'm a chef here in NZ and it certainly helps with the wine making, if only to come up with new and interesting combinations of flavours. I'm lucky enough to only rarely need to purchase fresh fruit for my wine. usually someone around the neighbourhood is growing something and once word gets out that you are making wine the supplies just keep on comin!!! including bottles!!!!
welcome by the way...
I talked to our Beverage Director at the hotel about saving me bottles and 3 days latter she had about 500 for me.... Needless I'm set for a while there, but if anybody here lives around Utah I'd be more than happy to pass some along!
Welcome aboard - wish i where closer - would take you up on the bottles!! Strawberry is good fruit wine to start with - easy to come by - not very had to depit. I have 7 gallons going now.

FYI - freeze your fruits before making your must - they juice better when they thaw out.