Chateau Michaelena Vineyard

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Supposed to be in the upper 30's to low 40's at night, 50's day and rain on and off most of the week. Still got close to a thousand vines left to prune but I am beginning to see the end.
Dodged a bullet this morning! Got down to 32 after the front moved through over the last couple of days. We got some amazing moisture! Almost a full inch of rain, sleet and….. scrapple (LOL)

Temps look better for the next week with no more freeze warnings. The Marquette is already busting out of the gates as usual with the Corot Noir and Noiret starting to swell and push. Trimmed over the weekend so waited as long as I could. Here's to a good 2015 growing season!

Moving right along over there. Good luck with no more freezes there. The buds are beginning to show a bit of swell here but the 60's and 70's coming will speed that up.
Know just how you feel. Todays low was 40 and the high will be a perfect sunny and 72 with no W…….I……N…….D…….. :)
Things have busted out this week with more rain on Tuesday and Wednesday. Marquette is looking good and Corot Noir and Noiret are starting to push nicely as well. We could have a light freeze tomorrow morning, I may string xmas lights on the top wires and light them up for a little extra warmth tonight.

Fingers crossed we dodge another bullet this weekend! :d




Well the front was slow moving through and we only got down to 42 this AM but tomorrow looks like it might be down to 25!. I strung lights this evening and will place blankets on top of the top wire tonight before going to bed. The last average frost date is May 7th and if we get a hard freeze tomorrow this will be 3 years in a row that we are basically mid May and not only freezing but hard freeze. Today was horrible weather wise. High of 60 and sustained winds all day around 25MPH. Vineyard lights!

Pics after the break as they say!




Whohoo! Dodged another bullet and only got down to 32 for just a bit right before sunrise. All vines look to be just fine even portions of the vine that were not covered. :try

Weather looks good though the week which will "hopefully" keep us safe for the rest of Spring but never say never!
Whohoo! Dodged another bullet and only got down to 32 for just a bit right before sunrise. All vines look to be just fine even portions of the vine that were not covered. :try

Weather looks good though the week which will "hopefully" keep us safe for the rest of Spring but never say never!

The vineyard looks so festive! Glad you dodged that bullet. Hopefully tonight will be safe as well. We reached 36 last night in Denver and it could reach 29 tonight. My early garden could have an issue but it is still early enough to recover.

The wife wanted to leave them up LOL, I know I need to get about 5-6 strands of the large "Tuscan" lights as I could tell they were putting out much more heat than the icicle lights. They have nice clips for the top wire that would make for an easy on, easy off. They usualy have those on clearance at Target at the end of the Summer so will stock up then for next Spring. I hope we are done for the year. I saw where parts of Denver got ~ 9" of snow on Saturday!
OH dear. All of the vegetable seeds I planted last week when it was near 80 degrees are now going to rot. At least my vines were already damaged and not pushing shoots yet. At least we are finally getting some moisture.


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Yikes! You win….. I have purchased my tomatoes, basil plants as well as some bedding plants but didn't put them into pots/ground this weekend. We are looking good for the next week or so if you can believe those long range forecast!

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I am on the edge of a tug-o-war stationary front. 85 yesterday cooling to the 50's today, back to 79 tomorrow then 56 the next day and 78 the next and then 52. Make up your freakin mind weather.
Well...... so this is what vines look like without a freeze wiping out the primary buds! Have not seen you for several years my friend....... First two pics are of Marquette looking lovely. The last two pics are Corot Noir and Noiret which look ginormous in comparison even though the leaf development are behind the Marquette. So excited to have a real bud break for a change!



