Chat room

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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Does anyone know if the chat room is still working? I tried and it asked for a pass word????
I was in there a week or so ago. tried to get someone else to show, but no luck. Going to be gone tonite, maybe tomorrow evening?? We always had to have a password, couldn't remember what I used, but the computer knew. LOL, ARne.
Real funny,

I was just asking because I didnt know of a chat room on here. This is the first I have heard about it.

Region Rat. The Chat Room is the gateway drug to us off the hook wine makers. Run while you still can and watch where you step, Buford has been there.

A few years ago a chat room was created for some of us to just B.S. about nothin. Wade didn't want it a part of the forum since it couldn't be moderated well like the forum.

A group of us would stop in a night or two each week and chat about wines beers and Buford our mascot goat. Real long story there.

It lead for some of us to get together and swap wines.

Some of us became busy and fell away for awhile. It's always a good time but family usually comes first. Winter seemed to be the most popular time.

You can always PM someone if you need specific person help or post a thread.

I do recall needing a UN and PW when you logged in. Too long ago to be sure.
:) that was funny. Chat rooms over whelm me. To many people talking at the same time but you guys go have a good time lol
:) that was funny. Chat rooms over whelm me. To many people talking at the same time but you guys go have a good time lol

I simply can not type fast enough to keep up with all the chat. Find chat rooms very frustrating because of this issue.
I simply can not type fast enough to keep up with all the chat. Find chat rooms very frustrating because of this issue.

That's ok, lol, everyone else is in the same boat!