Can wine ferment in a vacuume?

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Mar 17, 2012
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Lol here's me probably over thinking things as usual so ill share my thoughts.

Here's my thought process.

1.Wine fermenting does not like O2
2.When fermenting wine gets CO2 trapped in it that later needs removed
(can be done with a vacuum)
3.the little "wine saver" vacuum things are pretty cheap and attach nicely to a size 7 bung.

So with that, after primary when going into the secondary would it be possible to simply put one of the wine saver things on it and pull a vacuum and keep the vacuum thus solving the o2 contacting the wine problem and degassing it at the same time?

I'm guessing i'm overlooking something plainly obvious as to why this wont work but at the moment it seems logical to me...
I don't have a firm answer for you, but one thing to note is that the yeast will need some O2 to live. Usually this gets mixed into the liquid as you're mixing it together, so it's not really much of an issue and instead the issue is to prevent more O2 from entering.

I'm sure it will work -- there are many methods of making liquors that involve vacuum fermentation, but for different reasons.
It probably depends on the definition of vacuum. :) An absolute, highest vacuum you could pull would boil out the water and alcohol, probably implode the carboy, and also kill the yeast by rupturing the cell walls.

A partial vacuum could still evaporate the alcohol before the water, and might hurt the yeast depending on the reduction in pressure.
Wine only dislikes O2 after primary has finished. Up until secondary it requires the presence of O2 to multiply and work.
Dude, your arm would fall off from pumping it, every time a yeast burped it would fill your vacuum space with CO2, you would look like one of those monkeys at the zoo doing something naughty! CC
Co2 is a natural process when making wine and can only be removed after the yeast has eatin all the sugar. Well to put it even simplier I guess that grapes and fruits are decomposing naturally or in a controlled enviroment need O2 to keep the yeast going and in return it gives back alcohol in return with CO2
Thanks Steve
Dude, your arm would fall off from pumping it, every time a yeast burped it would fill your vacuum space with CO2, you would look like one of those monkeys at the zoo doing something naughty! CC

Too funny. I read his question and was thinking his arm would look like popeye from pumping it and then I read your comment. Monkeys...
Dude, your arm would fall off from pumping it, every time a yeast burped it would fill your vacuum space with CO2, you would look like one of those monkeys at the zoo doing something naughty! CC
I had this vision of the monkey pumping awhile then sayingg to hell with it , calling his friends and they all get drunk on your wine