Can I add more sorbate?

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May 20, 2013
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So I stabilized a white wine too soon I think. It wasn't clear and my sorbate was from last year. Anyway after sweetening it started to referment:( I had added to a 5gal. Carboy 1/4 tsp. Kmeta and 2 1/2 tsp of sorbate. How can I backsweeten it? Should I try more sorbate? (Fresh of course) any help is appreciated:)
you will have to let the ferment complete....then sorbate again...if its fermenting, the sorbate is history.....
Nono, Potassium Sorbate does not have a long shelf life. I suggest that you get some fresh stuff and add it after this fermentation is complete.
So I stabilized a white wine too soon I think. It wasn't clear and my sorbate was from last year. Anyway after sweetening it started to referment:( I had added to a 5gal. Carboy 1/4 tsp. Kmeta and 2 1/2 tsp of sorbate. How can I backsweeten it? Should I try more sorbate? (Fresh of course) any help is appreciated:)
How do you know that the fermentation has restarted? Do you have any specific gravity readings? If you think it's fermenting cause bubbles are coming up that could just be dissolved CO2 coming out of solution.
